Tuesday, 10 January 2017


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail: professorbenonyeukwu@yahoo.com

Devotional Text: John 10:10
By abundant life, this lesson means life in its overflowing fullness, marked with the prosperity of the body and soul of the individual, as the Holy Scripture shows that it is the will of God that we prosper in health (body), even as our soul(s) prosper(s), (3 John 2). Abundant life focuses more on our wellbeing on earth, which implies that God is interested in our human life, since His Word expresses His good thoughts toward us, which are thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give us an expected end, (Jer. 29:11). To this end, the Lord says… “Take no thoughts for your life, what you shall eat, what you shall drink or what you shall put on”… (Matt. 6:25).
(1)     Abundant life means that God takes care of our burdens, (Psalm 55;22; 1 Peter 5:7)
(2)     Abundant life equally means that God desires good health for us, (3 John 2)
(3)     Abundant life also means the Lord wants to make our burdens light, (Matt. 11:28-29)
(4)     Abundant life as well means that the Lord desires rest for our Souls, (vs. 28-29)
                        By way of definition, material things are things of this world, such as, shelter, clothing and food, as opposed to things of spiritual values, and one’s wellbeing is one’s state of health, happiness and/or prosperity. Without mincing words, it was the concern of Jesus for the well-being of the people that moved Him when He said,… ”take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? Or, what shall we drink? Or, wherewithal shall we be clothed, (Matt. 6:31). For, He knows that material well-being is an indispensible tool that promotes abundant life, as He pointed out that the Gentiles go after these things, probably, the wrong way, but your heavenly Father, He says, knows that you need these things, (vs. 32). To this end, it becomes a stupid decision, as well as, a profound spiritual blindness for one to enroll into secret fraternity or any unconventional group for money and materials, which carries the implication of eternal damnation (Rev. 21:8), since we have such a caring God, (see Matt. 6:25-36). By this, therefore, this lesson calls on:
(i)                    Those who toe the path of wickedness for money and materials to repent and return
 to the Lord, (Isaiah 55:7)
(ii)                 The people to learn to trust the Lord for money and materials, for He cares, (1 Peter 5:7).
(iii)                Parents to be firm in giving their children good morals, as a way of discouraging them
 from joining evil fraternities or gangs for money and materials (Prov. 22:6)
Health is one of the stimulants of abundant life. When one is healthy, one’s life burbles, and this stirs happiness. All this connotes abundant life. This is another concern of the Lord when He inspired the Apostle John by the Holy Ghost to writ the Scripture, “beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers”, )1` John2). God’s words in focus shows that He really understands that abundant life cannot thrive where there are health challenges, and that unhealthy person is deficient in life, and so, cannot enjoy abundant life. Based on this biblical truth, one is advised:
(i)             Not to allow the devil to steal, kill or destroy the abundant life which God Has in stock for one, (John 10:10)
(ii)           To accept Jesus Christ and maintain a cordial relationship with Him so as to enjoy the abundant life
He Has come to give, (vs. 10)
(iii)          To always approach Him by faith for healing whenever  there are health challenges, (1 Peter 2:24)
Life without peace can never be satisfactory. And so, there is nothing like abundant life where there is no peace. In fact, abundant life is a life of happiness and peace. To give credence to this eternal truth, the Scripture says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all human understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus, (Phi. 4:6-7). Therefore, one of the evidences of abundant life is peace of the heart and mind, and there is no other access to divine Peace apart from Jesus Christ, as it is obvious in today’s world that many have material goods without peace. To such individuals comes the message that:
(i)                   It is only Jesus that can guarantee the peace that foster abundant life, (John 10:10; John 16:33)
(ii)                 Satan never changes in his plan that sponsors the tribulations that seek to steal, kill and destroy the peace which Jesus offers to foster abundant life (vs. 10;vs. 33)
(iii)                To obtain the peace that make for abundant life, one needs Jesus, who is the Prince of Peace
in one’s life, (vs. 10; Isaiah 9:6)
In conclusion, please note that man’s well-being, manifested in good health, peace and prosperity is the will of God, and so, it is senseless to go to the devil for things that make for abundant life. BE INFORMED!

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