Tuesday, 24 December 2019


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail: professorbenonyeukwu@yahoo.com
GOD as the AUTHOR of Medicine
Instructor: Rev. Prof. Ben Onyeukwu
Presented by: Nightangale Ben-Onyeukwu
                                                          Devotional Text: Ezek. 47:7-12

            The Scripture which narrates that, “Fruit tress of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing {Ezek. 47:12} is a pointer that GOD is the AUTHOR of medicine, and stands out to show that medical treatment, cum healing is not an idea from man, but a blessing from the LORD GOD of heaven and earth, who is the ULTIMATE HEALER
(1)       The medical vegetation which the scriptural text of this lesson portrays shows
 that medical healing is of OGD, {Ezek. 47:7-12}
(2)       The use of medical herbs, by medical doctors, is a confirmation of the truth that medical
 healing is indirect healing from the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, {vs. 12}
(3)       Medical healing or treatment should not be rejected or wished away, unless one who
 is sick personally decides to believe GOD for direct or DIVINE healing, {Psalm 107:20}
(4)       Those who desire to have direct or DIVINE healing from the LORD should be allowed to exercise their faith,
 as those who opt for indirect or medical healing should equally be allowed the freedom to do so, {vs. 20; Ezek. 47:12}.
Medical treatment is not always as a result of one not having faith in GOD, for DIVINE or direct healing from HIM, as believing GOD for DIVINE healing is not always a mark that one is a giant of faith, since GOD, in HIS infinite mercy, can directly heal one, not minding one’s faithlessness, and can, at times, under certain circumstances, allow one with great faith to seek healing help through medication. This is just a matter of the grace of GOD working in one’s life, at a given moment, and not something to boast of one’s faith or a point to discredit one, for lack of faith, as it all depends on the grace one receives at the time of need. By this, therefore, one in need of healing is biblically enjoined to seek DIVINE guidance to ascertain the area GOD is leading one. For, it amounts to fruitless faith-foolishness for one to exercise faith for DIVINE healing when the LORD is driving towards medication, as faithlessness, which is a great sin in the sight of GOD, is in focus, when one pushes towards medical treatment where our LORD GOD desires to heal one directly. In line with the foregoing, please note that;
(i)                    Medical treatment/healing is a provision from GOD, {Ezek. 47:7-12}
(ii)                  It is not a sin to seek medical treatment/healing, {vs. 7-12}
(iii)                 But, it is a sin to seek medical treatment/healing purely from the vantage of unbelief, {Heb. 11;6}
Medical healing is purely a human process of healing as ordained by GOD, and not complementary to DIVINE healing, which is direct healing from GOD, as enforced by HIS WORD, {Psalm 107:20}. In furtherance, medical healing is a product of GOD’S mercy, whereas DIVINE healing is a product of faith that attracts healing from the LORD our BLESSED GOD and HEALER, without the aid of any form of medication or substance. This once again posits the fact that, it is not sinful to seek medical treatment through doctors or physicians, as it is not proper to say that, GOD is healing one by means of medicine or drugs. For, one is either on the medical process of healing or on the DIVINE process of it, and the two are not complementary, but separate. And so, in medical healing, one relies on the efficacy of drugs or medicine as dispensed by medical practitioners, but in DIVINE healing, one reposes ABSOLUTE confidence in GOD and HIS WORD, {vs. 20}. Therefore, this unit of the lesson is a menu that teaches that;
(i)                    Medical healing is solely the work of medical practitioners, doctors, nurses, herbalists,
 and more, and the use of medicine to heal the sick, {Jer. 8:22; Ezek. 47:12; 2 Chron. 28:15}, as
(ii)                  DIVINE healing is absolutely the healing work of GOD without any human interference,
 {Isa. 58:8; Jer. 33:6; Mal. 4:2}, and so,
(iii)                 The LORD our GREAT GOD and HEALER requires no human input in HIS DIVINE
 or direct healing programme for humanity, {vs. 8; vs. 6; vs. 2; Psalm 107: 20}
Please recall that in part 2 of this series, the Natural Healing is said to be that type of healing obtained through balanced diet, as it further narrates that, human body breaks down when it lacks some level of nutrition, resulting in certain degree of ill-health, which can be remedied through the consumption of foods seasoned with rich nutritional contents, as a way of re-enforcing the anti-body system weakened by lack of nutrition, {Ezek. 47:12}. But, when the cited measures are not fast taken, the affected body totally breaks down in health that may require medical healing, which is the type of healing obtained through medical means, {vs. 12}. So, medical healing brings health remedies when the natural healing system fails. This upholds the biblical truth that:
(i)                    Good food/balanced diet promotes good health, {vs. 12}
(ii)                  There is a breakdown in health when good food/balanced diet is not regular, {vs. 12}
(iii)                 Medical healing/treatment become inevitable when there is a breakdown in health,
as a result of poor feeding, {vs. 12}.
In conclusion, this unit of the lesson is a biblical proof that GOD is the author of medicine, and so, medical treatment should not be wished away or jettisoned by mere wave of unwarranted faith, but should be utilised within its proper context. The lesson, also, confirms the nutritional values of food in the promotion of health in body system, which, as well, should not be treated with levity, as it further serves as an indication that, GOD is concerned about our health, {3 John 2}. PLEASE, BE INFORMED!


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail: professorbenonyeukwu@yahoo.com
Healing sicknesses projected through Demonic means
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Acts. 8:9-13

             The Holy Scripture which indicates that ... “there was a certain man called Simon, who beforetime in the city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria...” {Acts 8:9} strongly shows that people could cast spells, resulting in sickness and other forms of problems on the unsuspecting individuals through demonic means. For instance, in his book, Every Wind of Doctrine, Herbert Freeman remarks that, in Voodoo, there are magic rituals designed for the successful performance of practically any  purpose desired, from inflicting injury or death upon an enemy, to bringing good luck in marriage or success in one’s business,” and so, further confirms that certain ailments attack humanity from agents of darkness, as well as stirs the suspicion that certain, “so called” fortunes or healing from certain religious quarters may not be from the LORD GOD of heaven and earth, but products of appeased demons.

(1)     Every sickness is not organic problem, {Acts. 8:9]
(2)     Some sicknesses are projected from demonic agents, {vs. 9}
(3)     Only DIVINE healing can combat sicknesses projected from demonic kingdoms, {Psalms 107:20}
(4)     Medical healing cannot take care of ailments projected from hell, {vs. 20}
             Sicknesses projected by the means of demons are known for their deadly bites, since the hearty ambition of Satan is to steal, kill and destroy, John {10:10A}. This informs why they often defile the best natural, cum medical treatment. It is common knowledge today that certain ailments diagnosed and treated in world-class medical establishments became unsuccessful until simple acts of prayer of faith attracted DIVINE healing from the LORD GOD of heaven and earth. Therefore, when a given malady persistently defiles medical and other forms of treatment, the need to look up to the LORD for solution becomes fashionable, as the problem may be demonic, and requires DIVINE intervention. To this end, this lesson posits that sicknesses projected by the means of Satan can only be treated by:
(i)                   Employing the word of faith, {Psalm 107:20}
(ii)                 Simple act of prayer of faith, [James 5:15}
(iii)                Casting out the demons responsible for the sickness, {Mark 16:17}.
            Medical treatment cannot be ruled-out in healing a victim of sickness projected from hell, since there could be physical problems like; boils bruises, blisters and more, resulting from the attacks of the projected ailments, which makes the use of medicine useful. In this connection, as the faith healer engages in tackling the spiritual dimension of the problem, a medical practitioner is expected to handle the physical wounds or problems caused by the demonically projected sickness. However, on no account should any fetish means be employed in trying to heal a victim of sickness from an agent of hell, as Satan cannot cast out Satan {Matt. 12:26}, but always in the business of destruction, {John 10:10A}. Strictly speaking, to engage a fetish medicine man in an effort to heal one suffering from projected ailment from demonic kingdom is to provoke GOD to anger, which carries devastating consequences that could lead to the death of the patient one is trying to help, and so, the courage to resist such a temptation is strongly needed. Based on the foregoing, it becomes biblically correct to state that one suffering from sickness projected from demonic world, needs:
(i)                   Faith healer, for prayer of faith {James 5:15}, and demon casting, {Mark 16:17}
(ii)                 Medicine, for the healing of some of the effects of the projected sickness, {2 Chr. 28:15}
(iii)                Doctors or physicians to dispense the medicine required for the healing of physical wounds, {Jer. 8:22}
Medical treatment could be necessary in tackling some wounds or other medical problems that could arise as a result of attacks from ailments projected from the dark world of demonic kingdom, but should not be taken as alternative treatment for the healing of a patient in the problem, since the core problem is spiritually. And, to miss this point, is to beat about the bush, in any effort which seeks to deliver someone suffering from projected sickness. By way of information, a projected malady is demonically supernatural, and requires SUPERNATURAL treatment, enforced by the WORD of GOD. Thus, the Holy Scripture says, “He sent HIS WORD and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions, {Psalm 107:20}. Therefore, when a given ailment is proven beyond doubt, to be a projection from the pit of hell, then, it becomes the time to:
(i)                   UNDERSTAND that, ... “when the enemy comes in like a flood, the SPIRIT
 of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him,” {Isa. 59:19}
(ii)                 SAY in prayer, “Let GOD  arise, let HIS enemies be scattered; let them
 also that hate HIM flee before HIM,” {Psalm 68:1}
(iii)                DEVOTE, to GOD, in prayer and fasting, for the deliverance of a victim of the demonic attack, {Matt. 17:21}
  In conclusion, this lesson remains a biblical establishment of the truth that some sicknesses are not organic problems, but demonically projected from the covens of the demonic kingdom, as well as carries the emphasis that it takes ONLY the POWER OF GOD to combat such problem when they show up. PLEASE, BE INFORMED!

Monday, 23 December 2019


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail: professorbenonyeukwu@yahoo.com
Hindrances to Divine Healing
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: James 5:14-15
Worried by the disheartening scenario that, the present day Christianity does not produce the healing results of the Old Testament and the Apostolic Era of the New Testament Church, a keen observer queries why a lot of people who attend healing campaigns today, go home unhealed or disappointed, as he expresses a hearty desire to find out if the problem is from the preacher or the sick individuals. This forms the basis of the unit of the lesson under review, which is an attempt to draw the attention of the people of GOD to what constitute hindrances to DIVINE healing. No controversy, faith is the means to every DIVINE blessing, including healing. According to the Holy Scripture... ‘The prayer of faith shall save the sick...’ {James 5:15}. And, anything that poses obstacle to faith, definitely, can hinder healing. There are three obstacles of faith, namely; fear {Luke 8:50; Mark 5:36}, doubt {Luke 11:23; James 1:8}, and unbelief {Matt.17:20; 13:58}, which this lesson stands out to show how they, and other factors hinder DININE healing.
(1)       The major booster of DIVINE healing is faith, expressed through prayer, {James 5:15}
(2)       Where there is no faith in the exercise of prayer for the sick, no DIVINE healing comes, {vs. 15}
(3)       In the exercise of faith for DIVINE healing, the one who prays and the one prayed for, should
 demonstrate a common faith, for healing to take place, {vs. 15}
(4)       Hindrance to DIVINE healing could occur when there is a break-down of faith, from either the healer or the client, {vs. 15}
The fear that someone being prayed for may not survive certain health challenges is one of the factors that militate against DIVINE healing. This occurs when a given ailment, in the inner lens, or spiritual eye, of the faith-healer overwhelms his sense of faith, when he should fix his faith on the LORD our GOD, who is the GOD of all impossibilities {Matt. 19:26}, instead of focusing on the seeming helpless situation of a victim of a disease. To this end, JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED HEALER is known to be in constant victory over fear, as HE always urges the sick or members of their families not to be afraid {Luke 8:50}. And so, one who prays for the sick must endeavour to overcome fear, if positive healing result must come, {vs. 50}. In this connection, therefore, this lesson opines that one in healing ministry of the LORD must strictly:
(i)                    Overcome the grip of fear in one’s life, and in the lives of doubting observers, {Matt. 5:36-43}.
(ii)                  Believe that, with GOD, all things are possible, {Matt. 10:27}
(iii)                 Bear in mind that, without faith, it is impossible to please GOD, {Heb. 11:6}.
    Doubt, is one of the the obstacles of the faith of the sick person, who seeks DIVINE healing. On this note, the Holy Scripture urges that, ‘one who asks must believe and not doubt, because one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. And, one who doubts should not think one would receive anything from the LORD...’{James 1:8}. It is common knowledge that most individuals who seek DIVINE healing at healing campaigns go there in outright doubt or double-mindedness, and so, go home disappointed, since one who doubts or is in double-mindedness cannot receive anything from the LORD, {vs. 8}. But, JESUS CHRIST our LORD and SUPREME HEALER says... ‘I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain. Go, throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him’ {Matt. 11:23}. Based on the foregoing, this lesson equally states that:
(i)              It amounts to double-mindedness when one who seeks DIVINE healing approaches
 a faith healer or healing campaign venue with a sense of ‘who knows if GOD still heals today?’ {James 1:8}
(ii)            Outright doubt is in place when the thought of ‘healing may not be real today’ is in the heart
 of one who attends haling campaigns, {vs. 8}
(iii)           Outright doubt and double-mindedness are major obstacles of DIVINE healing, for one who seek healing, {vs. 8}
Unbelief, fear and doubt, which have been described as obstacles of faith, are always in a combined effort to hinder DIVINE healing. They attack both the faith-healer and the sick person he tries to help. But, unbelief is the worst evil against DIVINE healing, since it is a blunt rejection of the LORD and HIS WORD. The Holy Scripture records that JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED LORD and REDEEMER did not do many mighty work in certain places because of  unbelief {Matt. 13:58}, just as those who attend healing campaigns today in unbelief can never receive DIVINE healing from HIM. Also, in this lesson, the fact of the hindrances of fear and doubt to DIVINE healing have been stressed, in terms of how each of them work against the faith-healer and the sick person who try to access DIVINE healing. However, the point of the collaboration of doubt, fear and unbelief in destroying faith which seeks to attract DIVINE  healing requires special attention here, since it is doubt which paves way for unbelief, as fear magnifies a given health problem, making it look bigger than what can be solved by faith. Thus, people {the faith-healer and the sick person alike} fail to access DIVINE healing, during healing campaigns, when they harbour the concept of:
(i)                    ‘I don’t believe it could happen’ {unbelief}- Matt. 13:58
(ii)                  ‘Is it true that GOD still heals today?’ {doubt}- James 1:6-7
(iii)                 ‘I am afraid, he may not survive’ {fear}- Luke 8:50
In conclusion, please, note that faith is the primary thing in accessing DIVINE healing. For, ‘without faith, it is impossible to please GOD...’ {Heb. 11:6}, and so, every obstacle of faith, that is, fear, doubt and unbelief must be eliminated in the life of one who seeks DIVINE healing {the healer or client} if a positive healing result must be achieved. DON’T MISS THE MARK!

Saturday, 21 December 2019


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail: professorbenonyeukwu@yahoo.com
Presented Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Devotional Text: Josh. 1:8; 2Tim.2:14-15

The injunction of the Holy Scripture which stresses that one should, “study to show oneself approved unto GOD, a workman that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD of TRUTH” {2Tim. 2:15} is a DIVINE call to a keen ministerial preparation on GOD’ WORD for the ministry of the LORD, as the expression, “this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein, and then, you shall make your way prosperous, as well as have good success” {Josh. 1:8} calls for sober reflection and proper application of the WORD of GOD in one’s life, for success in life and ministry, and so, the two scriptures are a call to a meticulous attention to GOD’S HOLY WORD.
(1)     The study of GOD’S WORD equips one for the ministry of the LORD, {2Tim. 2:15}
(2)     A decline in the study of GOD’S WORD results in one’s disapproval before GOD, {vs. 15}
(3)     Meditation on GOD’S WORD makes one prosperous and successful in ministry, {Josh. 1;8}
(4)     One who fails in study and meditation on GOD’S WORD definitely fails in ministry, {vs. 8}
Success in ministry is WORD-BASED, and so, one who fails in GOD’S WORD fails in ministry. And, note that, it is not the crowd one pulls that is success in ministry, in GOD’S SIGHT, but the number of souls one leads to heaven through one’s WORD-BASED preaching, and every preaching on GOD’S WORD that cannot save souls is meaningless. No doubt, observable truth today, is that many preachers water-down the WORD of GOD for large unconverted membership, which is an aberration of the gospel handed down to us, by JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED LORD and the apostles. For, we are called to reconcile people to GOD, and not to enhance their potentials for earthly achievements, which is now the focus of most pulpits, {2Cor. 5:18-19}. Therefore, the DIVINE call that one should, “study to show oneself approved unto GOD”...{2Tim. 2:15} is a call to study and understand:
(i)                   What GOD approves as real success in ministry, {vs. 15}
(ii)                 That, the basic reason why JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR
came to this world is to save sinners, Luke 19:10}
(iii)                That, there is no success in ministry, if people are not saved by our preaching, {vs. 10}
In the previous unit, the term “success”, which means achieving the results wanted or hope for, is the mainstay of the message, as the term “prosperity”, which this unit focuses on, simply means the state of being successful or the condition of enjoying wealth, success or good fortunes. And, the two passages of the Bible, 2Timothy 2:15 and Joshua 1:8, as cited, point to the minister of GOD and his study, cum meditation on the WORD of GOD, but now, drives towards the way the minister could achieve a WORD-BASED prosperity in ministry. There is no gainsaying the fact that when people are saved, they bring their wealth to the church, as well as receive more from the LORD, whereby, the ministry of our GOD and GREAT KING enjoys prosperity. But, everything becomes wrong when people join a church by means of false preaching, which lures them into dubious achievements, and so, are barred out of GOD’S KINGDOM, without knowing it, as the WORD-BASED prosperity minsters of GOD will always study {Tim2:15} and meditate {Jos. 1:8} on the WORD OF GOD, as well as focus their preaching on the biblical truth that makes people:
(i)                   Seek first the kingdom of GOD and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, as the LORD brings good prosperity, {Matt. 6:33}
(ii)                 Know that, “it profits one nothing, if one gains the whole world, but loses one’s soul” {Mark 8:36-37}
(iii)                Understand that, it is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who gives the power to make food wealth, {Deut. 8:17-18}.
The importance of the study of the Bible for the purity of life cannot be over-emphasised. The expression, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to YOUR WORD {Psalm 119:9} confirms this sacred truth, as the narrative, “I have hidden YOUR WORD in my heart that I may not sin against YOU” {vs. 11} highlights that, meditation on GOD’S WORD is of immerse value. And, the one who does not tow the part of purity is alien to this gospel truth, and cannot really relate with the LORD our GREAT GOD, since HE is HOLY, and without holiness no eye shall see HIM {Heb. 12:14}, coupled with the scriptural truth that “only the pure in heart shall see GOD, {Matt. 5:8}. Therefore, one who does not study {2 Tim. 2:15} and meditate {Josh. 1:8} on GOD’S WORD can hardly establish a link with HIM, and can never claim to have good success, cum prosperity in the ministry of the LORD. Thus, indicates that, GOD:
(i)                   Brings good success and prosperity only to one who study, meditate and live by HIS WORD, {Josh. 1:8}
(ii)                 HAS no HANDS in the success and prosperity of one who does not study, meditate and live
 by HIS WORD, for good success and prosperity, [vs. 8}
(iii)                HAS given HIS WORD for study and meditation, as well as established it as an indispensible
 means of purity of life {Psalm 119:9}, good success {Jos. 1:8} and prosperity, {vs. 8}
   In conclusion, this lesson has pointed out the obvious truth that, the study {2 Tim. 2:15}, meditation {Jos. 1:8} and paying heed to the WORD of GOD {vs. 8} result in good success and prosperity in the life and ministry of GOD’S minister and the ordinary believer, and that anything short of this, is counter-productive and destructive {Mark 8:36-37}. PLEASE, LEARN TO STUDY, MEDITATE AND LIVE BY GOD’S WORD!