NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip,
BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939
Presented Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text:
Josh. 1:8; 2Tim.2:14-15
The injunction of the Holy Scripture which
stresses that one should, “study to show oneself approved unto GOD, a workman
that needs not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the WORD of TRUTH” {2Tim. 2:15}
is a DIVINE call to a keen ministerial preparation on GOD’ WORD for the
ministry of the LORD, as the expression, “this book of the law shall not depart
out of your mouth, but you shall meditate therein day and night, that you may
observe to do according to all that is written therein, and then, you shall
make your way prosperous, as well as have good success” {Josh. 1:8} calls for
sober reflection and proper application of the WORD of GOD in one’s life, for
success in life and ministry, and so, the two scriptures are a call to a
meticulous attention to GOD’S HOLY WORD.
The study of
GOD’S WORD equips one for the ministry of the LORD, {2Tim. 2:15}
A decline in
the study of GOD’S WORD results in one’s disapproval before GOD, {vs. 15}
on GOD’S WORD makes one prosperous and successful in ministry, {Josh. 1;8}
One who
fails in study and meditation on GOD’S WORD definitely fails in ministry, {vs.
Success in ministry is WORD-BASED, and so,
one who fails in GOD’S WORD fails in ministry. And, note that, it is not the
crowd one pulls that is success in ministry, in GOD’S SIGHT, but the number of
souls one leads to heaven through one’s WORD-BASED preaching, and every preaching
on GOD’S WORD that cannot save souls is meaningless. No doubt, observable truth
today, is that many preachers water-down the WORD of GOD for large unconverted
membership, which is an aberration of the gospel handed down to us, by JESUS
CHRIST our BLESSED LORD and the apostles. For, we are called to reconcile
people to GOD, and not to enhance their potentials for earthly achievements,
which is now the focus of most pulpits, {2Cor. 5:18-19}. Therefore, the DIVINE
call that one should, “study to show oneself approved unto GOD”...{2Tim. 2:15}
is a call to study and understand:
What GOD
approves as real success in ministry, {vs. 15}
That, the
basic reason why JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR
to this world is to save sinners, Luke 19:10}
That, there
is no success in ministry, if people are not saved by our preaching, {vs. 10}
In the previous unit, the term “success”, which means achieving the
results wanted or hope for, is the mainstay of the message, as the term “prosperity”, which this unit focuses
on, simply means the state of being successful or the condition of enjoying
wealth, success or good fortunes. And, the two passages of the Bible, 2Timothy
2:15 and Joshua 1:8, as cited, point to the minister of GOD and his study, cum
meditation on the WORD of GOD, but now, drives towards the way the minister
could achieve a WORD-BASED prosperity in ministry. There is no gainsaying the
fact that when people are saved, they bring their wealth to the church, as well
as receive more from the LORD, whereby, the ministry of our GOD and GREAT KING
enjoys prosperity. But, everything becomes wrong when people join a church by
means of false preaching, which lures them into dubious achievements, and so,
are barred out of GOD’S KINGDOM, without knowing it, as the WORD-BASED
prosperity minsters of GOD will always study {Tim2:15} and meditate {Jos. 1:8}
on the WORD OF GOD, as well as focus their preaching on the biblical truth that
makes people:
Seek first
the kingdom of GOD and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, as the LORD brings good prosperity,
{Matt. 6:33}
Know that,
“it profits one nothing, if one gains the whole world, but loses one’s soul”
{Mark 8:36-37}
that, it is the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who gives the power to make food wealth,
{Deut. 8:17-18}.
The importance of the study of the Bible for
the purity of life cannot be over-emphasised. The expression, “How can a young
man keep his way pure? By living according to YOUR WORD {Psalm 119:9} confirms
this sacred truth, as the narrative, “I have hidden YOUR WORD in my heart that
I may not sin against YOU” {vs. 11} highlights that, meditation on GOD’S WORD
is of immerse value. And, the one who does not tow the part of purity is alien
to this gospel truth, and cannot really relate with the LORD our GREAT GOD,
since HE is HOLY, and without holiness no eye shall see HIM {Heb. 12:14},
coupled with the scriptural truth that “only the pure in heart shall see GOD,
{Matt. 5:8}. Therefore, one who does not study {2 Tim. 2:15} and meditate
{Josh. 1:8} on GOD’S WORD can hardly establish a link with HIM, and can never
claim to have good success, cum prosperity in the ministry of the LORD. Thus,
indicates that, GOD:
Brings good
success and prosperity only to one who study, meditate and live by HIS WORD,
{Josh. 1:8}
in the success and prosperity of one who does not study, meditate and live
by HIS WORD, for good success and prosperity,
[vs. 8}
HAS given
HIS WORD for study and meditation, as well as established it as an
means of purity of life {Psalm 119:9}, good
success {Jos. 1:8} and prosperity, {vs. 8}
In conclusion, this lesson has pointed out the obvious
truth that, the study {2 Tim. 2:15}, meditation {Jos. 1:8} and paying heed to the
WORD of GOD {vs. 8} result in good success and prosperity in the life and
ministry of GOD’S minister and the ordinary believer, and that anything short
of this, is counter-productive and destructive {Mark 8:36-37}. PLEASE, LEARN TO STUDY, MEDITATE AND LIVE
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