NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip,
BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Text: Nunbers 5:11-28
“Holy Water”, which is also referred to
as the “Bitter Water of Jealousy”
is only used in the Bible for detective purposes, and never as instrument of
blessing or protection, which is the order in some religious quarters of this
era of the Christian faith. According to the scriptural text of this lesson,
the “sacred Water” was used when a
man had some reason to suspect his wife to have committed adultery, {vs.
12-14}. In the words of Matthew Henry, ‘the sin of adultery is justly
represented as an exceedingly great sin, as it is going aside from GOD and
virtue, and the good way, {Prov. 2:17}. It is committing a trespass against the
husband, robbing him of his honour, as well as alienating his right, and
introducing a spurious {false} breed into his family, to share his estate with
his children, and violating her covenant with him. In the same order, John
Wycliffe observes that, biblical laws express condemnation of adultery, in
contrast to the lax attitude of Israel’s neighbours and their immoral
practices, and so, when a wife was suspected by her husband of adultery, and
she maintained her innocence, she was to be brought to the priest and made to
stand before the LORD, who alone could determine her innocence or guilt. The
priest was to make her take an oath of innocence and to subject her to an
ordeal the drinking of bitter curse-bringing water made with dust from the
floor of the Tabernacle, which would determine her guilt by certain effects
manifested in her body. But, if there were no telltale effects, she was
innocent, and was returned to her husband to bear children. And so, with the
foregoing in mind, this lesson brings to the fore that, apart from the cited
use of “Holy Water” in the Old
Testament, there was no other application of it in that era, as the New
Testament has no mention of it, but talks of “Living Water” {John 7:38}, indicating that, the use of “Holy Water” in today’s Christianity is not only biblically wrong but
dispensationally out of place.
Holy water
is mentioned only once in the Old Testament Scripture, and shows it was for
detective purpose
{Num. 5:11-28}, while the prophets in the same
era talked of “Living Water”, which refers to the LORD, {Jer. 2:13; 17:13}
Those who
forsake the LORD will be put to shame, because they have forsaken the LIVING
WATER, {Jer. 17:13}
Living Water
in the Old Testament carries the idea of the outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT
which JESUS confirms in the New Testament,
{John 7:38}
Both the Old
Testament {Jer. 2:13; 17:13} and the New Testament Scriptures {John 4:10-11; 7:38} have prominent place
for Living Water, but have no place for the
domestic use of “Holy Water,” {Num. 5:12-28}
The use of “Holy Water” is only found one
place in the entire Scripture, and this is in the Old Testament {Num. 5:11-28},
as it is, equally, only applied for the purpose of finding out, if a woman
accused of adultery was guilty or innocent, {vs. 11-28}. During the period in
retrospect, a man who suspected his wife of adultery would take her to the
priest, with an “offering of jealousy” as required in the law {vs. 15}. Once
the requirement was satisfied, the priest dispensed the oath on the woman
before the LORD, and if she had done nothing wrong, she walked away free, but
if she went astray, the effect became devastating {vs. 16-28}. There was no
other use of “Holy Water” in the Old Testament Scripture, apart from the
detection of hidden adultery, as people enquired directly from the LORD for the
detection of other sins, which individuals, like Achan, intended to cover-up,
{Joshua 7}. Based on the foregoing, therefore, this lesson asserts that:
Holy Water
is exclusively an Old Testament matter, {Num. 5:11-28}
It is
pointedly for the detection of suspected adultery, {vs. 11-28}
There is no
place in the New Testament, where the use of Holy Water is cited,
JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR talked of the need for Living Water,
{John 7:38}
While, it is true that the use of Holy water was in place, in the Old
Testament, for the detection of adulterous behaviour {Num. 5:11-28}, it is also
true that the Old Testament Prophets did not mix-up the practice with the concept of Living Water,”
{Jer. 2:13}. To them, the LORD, our GREAT GOD and SAVIOUR remains the LIVING
SPRING that gives life, as the Holy Water was but, an instrument for the check
of indecent behaviour. And so, the use of Holy Water, in whatever guise, in
today’s church, which has no complementary text in the New Testament Scripture,
must have come from the pit of hell, as a means by agents of darkness to
subvert the truth of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED LORD and SAVIOUR.
In further, notice, also that in the Old Testament the Holy Water was not
consecrated and handed-out to people for domestic uses, but was located in the
temple and used for its purpose, when required {Num. 5:11-28}. And, point
blank, there was no transference of the practice to the New Testament Apostolic
Believers, as the LORD JESUS CHRIST only cited the need for Living Water, {John
4:10-11} and never quoted the Old Testament Scripture for the use of Holy Water
{Num. 5:11-28}, to support His Message. To this end, this lesson, also, asserts
Since Holy
Water was not consecrated for domestic uses in the Old Testament {Num. 5:11-28}
becomes smacks of falsehood on the path of
those who try to do so, in today’s church.
Since Holy
water was just for the detection of suspected adultery, as seen ionly in the
Old Testament Scripture, {Num. 5:11-28}, it becomes obvious that those who
dispense it, in whatever guise, in the present day Christianity are not true in
their interpretation and application of GOD’S WORD, and;
Since the
Old Testament prophets and priests did not mix-up the use of Holy Water {Num.
5:11-28} with the concept of Living Water {Jer. 7:13}, and, since the New
Testament Scripture has no record of the
use of it, it becomes a point to shun the use of Holy Water, in whatever
fashion, in Christendom today.
conclusion, let it be
re-called that, the use of “Holy Water” is mentioned only once in the entire
Scripture, and that, it is for the detection of suspected sin of adultery {Num.
5:11-28}. And that, both the Old Testament prophets and JESUS CHRIST our LORD
and BLESSED SAVIOUR agree that the Living Water should be the focus of all
those who desire to drink from the fountain of life; and in agreement say,...
“The LORD is the hope of Israel, and all who forsake HIM shall be ashamed...
because they have forsaken the LORD, the FOUNTAIN of Living Water,” {Jer.
17:13}. And, “on the last day, that great day of the feast, JESUS stood and
cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to ME and drink. He who
believes in ME, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of
Living Water,” {john 7:37-38}. DON’T BE
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