Friday, 21 June 2019


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                                    Children - Parents Relationship
Presenter: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu{Sunday Director}
Devotional Text: Eph 6:1-4
According to the Holy Scripture, “sons are a heritage from the LORD, and children a reward from HIM...” {Psalm 127:3}, as parents are enjoined to train them up in the way of the LORD, {Prov. 22:6}. On the other hand, children are called up to obey their parents in the LORD... {Eph. 6:1}, with specific commandments to honour them {vs. 2}, as fathers are asked not to provoke their children to anger in the process of training them, but rather bring them up in the training and instruction of the LORD, {vs. 4}. The cited biblical family rules show that children would be blessed if they keep to them {vs. 3}, as well as implies that fathers who play their roles well would equally be rewarded, {Vs. 4}. But, where reverse is the case, problems definitely become inevitable.

(1)       Family rules show that children should obey their parents, as well as honour them, {Eph. 6:1-2}
(2)       Family rules equally show that parents should bring up their children in the training and instruction of the LORD, {Vs. 4}
(3)       Family rules also charge fathers not to provoke their children to anger in the process of training them up, {Vs. 4}
(4)       Family rules, as well, offer blessings to children who obey and honour parents in the LORD, {Vs. 1-2}
Rules are stipulations that tell us what to do and what not to do, at the points of human activities or relationships. In GOD’ S WORD, children are instructed to obey their parents {grandparents, foster-parents or any care-giver} in the LORD {Ep. 6:1}, with a definite directive to honour their fathers and mothers”- which is the first commandment with a promise that guarantees their well-being and long life on earth {vs. 2-3}, and implies that a violation of the scriptural instructions carries devastating consequences. Now, observe that, the instruction, “children obey your parents” {vs. 1} connotes the concept of submission, and, by extension, carries the implication of love. No doubt, genuine love goes with the submission that result in genuine obedience, as false love goes with forced submission and obedience, and so, the evidences of one’s love for one’s parents are submission and obedience borne out of one’s uncompromised love for them, which, in turn, result in blessings of longevity and well-being on earth, {Vs. 2-3}. Therefore;
(1)       Children who keep to the tenets’ of family rules get the gifts of long life, {Vs. 2-3}
(2)       Those who break the rules often get the curses of premature death and visible problems, {Prov. 20:20; 30:17}
(3)       Children are, therefore, called upon to listen to their fathers, and not to despise their mothers at old age, {Prov. 23:22}
Again, rules are stipulations which tell us what to do and what not to do at the point of human activities or relationships. And, to the parents, pointedly to the father,...provoke not your children to anger, but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LORD, {Eph. 6:4}, which Abraham demonstrated, when the LORD said, “for I know him Abraham} that he will command his children and his household after him,  and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgement...” {Gen. 18:19}, which is GOD’s condition for the fulfilment of HIS promises and blessings to one’s family and generations, thus, the concluding part of the cited verse of the Scripture says... “that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which HE HAS spoken of him,” {vs. 19c}. Therefore, parents of all generations re enjoined to teach their children the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD; HIS, Power, and the wonders HE HAS done {Psalm 78:3-4}, in the holy admonitions of the LORD, as well as discipline them in love {Prov. 29:17}, instead of provoking them to anger, {Eph. 6:4}. In keeping with the above biblical assertions, parents, especially fathers, are once again instructed to;
(i)                    Bring up their children in the training and instruction of the LORD, instead of provoking them to anger, {Eph. 6:4}
(ii)                  Discipline them in love, instead of becoming a willing party to their death, {Prov. 19:18}
(iii)                 Train-up their children in the way of the LORD, instead of letting them go astray, {Prov. 22:6}.
For the family to work, children and parents must be committed to family rules. In this connection, children must learn to obey their parents in the LORD and follow their godly instructions, as parents are expected to keep to the basic tenets of the WORD of GOD in raising their children, {Eph. 6:1-4}. In other words, every child, as well as very parent, in every family, has a responsibility to make the family work. To this end, children should be aware that, “if one curses one’s father or mother, one’s lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness,” {Prov. 20:20}. They should equally note that, “the eye that mocks a father or mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, and will be eaten by the vultures” {Prov. 30:17}, as parents should, on their own part know that, “to discipline a child in love gives peace, and bring delight to the soul of a parent” {Prov. 29:17}, and shows disaster definitely follows where family rules are violated. This strictly implies that, for the family to work;
(i)                    Children should learn to obey their parents in the LORD, {Eph. 6:1}
(ii)                  Parents should equally learn not to provoke their children, but admonish them in love {vs. 4}
(iii)                 Both children and parents should constantly be committed to family rules, {vs. 1-4}.
In conclusion, please note that, it is the will of GOD that children and their parents live in harmony, as informed by the Holy Scripture, and to achieve this, the both units of family members must adhere strictly to the WORD of GOD, as it concerns them. DO YOUR OWN PART!

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