Wednesday, 7 August 2019


1/19/17 - 1PROF. BEN ONYEUKWU (REV.)
NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:
Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and its Evidences
Presenter: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu {Sunday Director}

Devotional Text: Acts 2:1-13; 10:44-48

The HOLY SPIRIT is the third PERSON of the BLESSED TRINITY, whom JESUS CHRIST, our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR refers to as the GIFT of the FATHER. According to Dr. Luke, “on one occasion, while HE was eating with HIS disciples, HE gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the GIFT my FATHER promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptised with water, but in a few days you will be baptised with the HOLY SPIRIT, {Acts 1:4-5}. No doubt, the cited Scripture is a reference to what Dr. Luke had earlier reported in the account of his gospel in {Luke 24:41-49}, which was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, {Acts 2:1-4}. Having narrated the above, let it be remarked that the purpose of the HOLY SPIRIT is to empower the believer for mission, thus the Holy Scripture says; ... “you will receive power when the HOLY SPIRIT comes on you; and will be MY witnesses Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, {Acts 1:8}.

1.         The Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT is also referred to as the baptism of fire, {Luke 3:16}
2.         JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED REDEEMER is the ONE who baptises with HOLY SPIRIT and fire, {Vs. 16}
3.         The Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT is for every believer, Jew or Gentile, {Acts 10:44-46}
4.         The Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT often comes with the gift of speaking in new tongues or languages, {Vs. 44-46; Acts 2:1-4}.
                        The baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT ushers in the PERSON of the HOLY SPIRIT in to the life of the believer, whom the Holy Scripture says comes with POWER from on high {Acts 1:8}, and expresses HIMSELF through diverse languages or tongues; human {Acts 2:6-11} or angelic, {1 Cor. 13:1}. However, for the fact that everybody at the upper room on the day of Pentecost {Acts 2:1-4} and in the house of Cornelius {Acts 10:44-46} spoke in new tongues during baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, does not mean everybody must speak in new tongue, with reference to 1 Corinthians 12:30. Here, a note of caution is necessary that one does not, by one’s personal volition or reason put off speaking in new tongue, since GOD’s WORD says we should not forbid speaking in tongues, {1 Cor. 14:49}. Based on the foregoing, therefore, this lesson asserts that:
(i)                    Every believer is expected to speak in new tongue during baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, {Acts 2:1-4}
(ii)                  There could be traces of certain individuals who may not speak in tongues during baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT, {1 Cor. 12:30}
(iii)                 No one has the right to stop the HOLY SPIRIT from manifesting the evidence of tongue in one’s life during the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT or in the church, {1 Cor. 14:49}
Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT is the fulfilment of the prophecy of the Prophet Joel {2:28}, which the Apostle Peter captures in his address that explains the advent of the day of Pentecost, as people witnessed the manifestation of diverse languages, {Acts 2:1-11}. “Amazed and perplexed, they asked one another, what does this mean? Some, however, made fun of them and said, “They have had too much wine,” {xs. 12-13}. “Then, Peter stood up... and addressed the crowd: Fellow Jews and all of you, who live in Jerusalem, let me explain this to you, listen carefully to what I say. These men are not drunk, as you suppose. It’s only nine in the morning. This is what was spoken by the Prophet Joel: In the last days, GOD says, “I will pour out MY SPIRIT on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams” {vs. 14-17} confirming the biblical truth that, baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT is the fulfilment of prophecy. Having cited the above, let it, as well, be noted that baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT also comes with the evidence of the;
(i)                    Ability to prophecy, {VS. 17}
(ii)                  Ability to see visions, {VS. 17}
(iii)                 Ability to dream inspired dreams, {Vs. 17}
The section one of this lesson already notes that the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT paves way for the HOLY SPIRIT to personally dwell in the life of the believer. This, therefore, implies that the HOLY SPIRIT comes into the believer’s life with DIVINE QUALITIES. By way of analysis, the HOLY SPIRIT is essentially HOLY, and so, HIS presence generates the virtue of holiness in the life of the believer, whom the baptism is administered, refuting, therefore, the concept that one baptised with the HOLY SPIRIT can still live unholy life. Other evidences of the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT are that one, so baptised, can by the virtues of the indwelling SPIRT bear the FRUITS of the HOLY SPIRIT, which the Bible enumerates as; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control {Gal. 5:22-23}, as well as the GIFTS of the same SPIRIT, which the Apostle Paul gives as; word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gift of healing, gift a miracles, gift of prophecy, discerning of spirits, gift of tongues, gift of the interpretation of tongues {1 Cor. 12:4-10} and more. All that have been said in this section holds out that no-one can claim to have had the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT or have the SPIRIT dwelling in them, whose life is devoid of holiness, fruits and gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT. In this connection, one baptised with the HOLY SPIRIT must have the evidences of the:
(i)        Life of holiness
(ii)      Fruits of the SPIRIT, {Gal. 5:22-23}
(iii)     Gifts of the SPIRIT, {1 Cor. 12:4-10}
In conclusion, please recall that the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT generates the evidences of; zeal for evangelism {Acts 2:14-41}, gift of tongues {Acts 2:1-4}, life of holiness {1 Peter 1:13-16}, fruits of the SPIRIT {Gal. 5:22-23} and gifts of the same SPIRIT, {1 Cor. 122:4-10}. BE INFORMED!

                                                                                                                         Church of:

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