Wednesday, 7 August 2019


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Healing in the New Testament
Presenter: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Matt. 8:5-17

Healing method and means in the New Testament are the same in the Old Testament, apart from the mirror innovation of laying on of hands on the sick, which JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED SAVIOUR is known for. In this connection, the Scripture notes that, “when the sun was setting, all those who had any that were sick with various diseases brought them to HIM, and HE laid HIS HANDS on every one of them and healed them,” {Luke 4:40}. And, by way of rehearsal, “healing is the restoration of health to the body of an individual who had been sick,” which GOD’s WORD was the means in the Old Testament {Psalms 107:20}, as well as the means in the New Testament, {Matt. 8:8-13}
(1)       The New Testament healing is based on faith on the WORD of GOD,{Matt. 8:8-13}
(2)       In the New Testament healing, JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED SAVIOUR introduced the laying
 on of hands on the sick, {Luke 4:40; Mark. 16:18}
(3)       In the New Testament, also, people came to hear the WORD of GOD and to be healed, {Luke 5:15; 6:17}.
(4)       Equally, in the New Testament, the Scripture shows that in some instances, JESUS CHRIST our LORD
 healed all those who came to HIM for healing, {Matt. 12:15}
            The Apostolic Era of the New Testament believers are known for their implicit faith on JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED LORD and SAVIOUR and HIS WORD, which demonstrates the fact that they believe in DIVINE healing. There are other forms of healing, the NATIURAL and MEDICAL.  By way of analysis, the Natural Healing is the healing obtained through balanced diet. Human body breaks down when it lacks some level of nutrition, resulting in certain degree of ill-health, which can be remedied through the consumption of foods seasoned with rich nutritional contents, as way of re-enforcing the antibody system weakened by lack of nutrition. But when the cited measures are not fast taken, the affected body totally breaks down in health that may require Medical Healing, which is the type of healing obtained through medical means, as DIVINE healing is that healing obtained directly from the LORD, and this is the type of healing the Apostolic Christian era absolutely endorsed. Thus, the believed that:
(i)                    Healing comes by the STRIPES of JESUS, {1 Peter 2:24}
(ii)                  Prayer of faith brings healing to the sick, {James 5:14-15}
(iii)                 Prayer and laying on of hands on the sick results in DIVINE healing, {Acts 28:8}
             The Apostle Paul’s laying on of hands on the father of Pubilus for healing as cited in the above section of this lesson authenticates the fact that JESUS’ Method of healing was well known and practised in the Apostolic Era of the New Testament Christianity, {Acts 28:7-8}. Now, recall that our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST had earlier demonstrated this healing method, as the Holy Scripture narrates that, “when the sun was setting, all they that have any sick with divers diseases brought them unto HIM, and HE laid HIS HANDs on every one of them, and healed them,” {Luke 4:40}. Observe also, that both JESUS’ and Paul’s laying on of hands on the sick were their simple acts of faith, without the application of any form of religious object or fluid, and, therefore, shows that certain unbiblical practices have been smuggled into the healing method of laying on of hands in the present day Christian Church. In line with this above, this lesson brings to the fore that:
(i)              The laying on of hands method of healing was introduced by JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR, {Luke 4:40}
(ii)            This method of healing was used in the Apostolic Era of Christianity, as demonstrated by the Apostle Paul, {Acts 28:7-8}
(iii)           There was no application or attachment of any religious ornament or fluid {water, oil, apron, bead, etc} in that era,
 when the method was employed, but was just a simple act of faith, {vs. 7-8}
The Scripture, “These signs shall follow them that believe; in MY NAME they shall cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” {Mark 16:17-18}, introduces believers of all ages, to the only AUTHORITY in the Healing Ministry of the LORD, which is the NAME of JESUS. Every method of healing in the ministry of the LORD, whether, the speak-the-word method, or the laying on of hands {Acts 28:8} can only be efficacious when the POWER in the NAME of JESUS is released by verbal pronouncement. Thus, our LORD says,... “In MY NAME... they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover,” {Mark 16:18}. Here lies the secret of the infallible healing successes in the ministries of the Apostolic Age believers of the New Testament, which Apostle Peter demonstrated at the Beautiful Gate {Acts 3:16}. To this end, this lesson states that:
(i)                    The NAME of JESUS is the only AUTHORITY that evokes DIVINE healing {Mark 16:18}
(ii)                  The New Testament believers did not use the NAME together with the names of any of their
 religious leaders in healing ministrations, {vs. 18}
(iii)                 The Apostle Peter’s use of only the NAME of JESUS for healing at the Beautiful Gate {Acts 3:16} demonstrates the fact that it is an aberration to employ the name of any religious leader {Mouka, Kumuyi, Adebayo, Oladepo, etc} together with the NAME of JESUS in healing prayer.
In conclusion, this lesson is a picture of the biblical truth that the New Testament Christianity had uncompromised faith for DIVINE healing, with practical evidences that demonstrate that they received healing from the LORD. It also shows that in the era under review, two methods of healing were in use, namely; the speak-in-word method {Matt. 8:16}, and the laying on of hands on the sick {Acts 28:8}, as well as strong believe that the NAME of JESUS alone is the AUTHORITY that enforces healing {Acts 3:16}, and anything short of the foregoing in the Christendom of today remains an aberration. SEARCH THE SCRIPTURE!

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