Monday, 2 November 2015


NCE(Eng.) ND/HD (Journalism); BA (Hons) MA, PhD.
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Devotional Text: Matt. 18:21-35
The strongest millstone that Satan uses in holding people down is that of unforgiveness. Unforgiveness can hinder prayer, progress or any sort of faith operation. It can equally bring about mental and general health retardation. Furthermore, unforgiveness is a sin of the spirit. And, when a person is tied down in the spirit, such a person is tied down everywhere. This underscores the reason for the spiritual, economic and general backwardness of so many Christians.
(1)     Unforgiveness hinders forgiveness. (Matt.6:14-15)
(2)     God wants us to forgive others as Christ forgave us, (Col. 3:13).
(3)     Like Christ, we should always pray for the forgiveness of those who offend us, (Luke 23:34).
(4)     Forgiveness is of a boundless application, (Matt. 18:21-22).
“To err, they say, is human, but to forgive is divine”. From the above quotable quote, it becomes indicative that human beings possess the weakness of offences. Furthermore, it reveals that forgiveness is only possible by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. No one can really forgive without divine assistance. The Scripture attached to the sub-topic in focus serves as a guide in reaching out to our offending brothers and sisters, it states;
(i)                   If your brother sin (The offender’s part, verses 3).
(ii)                 Tell him his sins (the forgiver’s part, verse 3);
(iii)                If he repents (the offender’s part, verse 3);
(iv)                Forgive him (the forgiver’s part, verse 3),
The above steps are guiding principles for forgiveness. However, it is important to note that the steps are better applied when there are personal and open offences. We should also always forgive, even if the offender does not know he has offended us, (Matt. 6:14-15). 
As indicated in the introductory part of this Sunday School Lesson, unforgiveness hinders prayer, progress or any sort of faith operation. In the light of this, the Scripture admonishes that when one stands praying, one should cross-examine oneself to see if one holds any animosity against anyone. Therefore, as you stand praying;
(i)                   Search yourself (verse 25).
(ii)                 See if you hold anything against anyone in your heart, (verse 25).
(iii)                Forgive such a person, (verse 25).
(iv)                Pray for your own forgiveness, (verse 25).
(v)                 Then believe your prayer would bring a positive result, (verse 24).
                        Every heart-felt forgiveness and response go with a genuine reconciliation. When one reconciles with someone, one becomes friendly with them again after a disagreement.
                        Holding something against someone will make;
(i)                   One not fit to offer unto God, (verse 23)
(ii)                 God not receive one’s offering, (verse 23).
(iii)                One a social disgrace, (verse 24).
Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother has something against you; leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to your brother, then come and offer your gift (Matt. 5:23-24). MAY GOD GRANT YOU THE GRACE

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