Sunday, 27 November 2016


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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Symptoms of Demon Possession and Demon Casting

Devotional Text: Matt. 8:28-32

Simply put, a symptom is an indication or sign of the presence of something in a substance or life. Therefore, by symptoms of Demon possession, the writer shows certain signs that depict the presence of demons in the life of a victim of demonic powers. Biblically speaking, demons possess people and live in their bodies, which they refer to as their house(s) (Matt. 12:43-44), and casting them out in deliverance signifies the manifestation of the Kingdom of God, (vs. 27-28)

     (1)       Satan is the head of demonic kingdom, (Ezek. 28:14-19)
     (2)       Demons are fallen angels who sinned with Satan (2 Peter 2:4)
     (3)       They were about one third of the angels in heaven, (Rev. 12:4)
     (4)       They were cast down to this earth when they sinned (vs. 9)

As deduced from the Scripture cited as the text of this lesson, two major signs of the presence of demons in the life of someone are aggressive behaviour (Matt. 8:28) and mindless unclean habit, (vs31). Another concrete sign of the presence of demons in the life of an individual is un-natural sexual drive, as was the case of Mary Magdalene, before her conversion, (Luke 8: 2). Also, demon possession could be noticed in certain religious individuals, manifesting prophetic utterances, (Act 16: 16-18). Other signs of demon possession include:
(i)        physical torments (Act 5: 16 ) and spirit of deaf and dumb (Mark 9:25)
(ii)      violent attitude and convulsion ,(vs. 25-26)
(iii)     uncontrollable attitude and restlessness, (Mark 5:2-5)
(iv)     cries out under anointing (Mark 1:23-26) etc
Furthermore, there are certain seductive influences in certain beautiful or handsome individuals with its concomitant “lust” that leads to incest and other forms of immorality that indicate the presence of seducing demons. At times, too, the cited seductive influence could unnaturally posses those who are not naturally beautiful or handsome, for the same purpose. A good example of this, is the case of Amnon and Tamar (2 Sam. 13:1-12). Also, for the fact that certain beauty and sexual desire are demonic, hatred immediately replaces the so called love after the act, (vs. 13-19)
Principally, Jesus remarks that demons are cast out by the Spirit of God, and indicates the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven, (Matt. 12:28). And, from this lesson, it becomes obvious that Jesus cast out demons by the Power of His Word. Thus, “when he arrived at the other side in the region of the Gaderenes, two demon-possessed men coming from the tombs met him. They were so violent that no one could pass that way. What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted.  Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”  Some distance from them a large herd of pigs was feeding. The demons begged Jesus, “If you drive us out send us into the herd of pigs.” He (Jesus) said to them, “go!” So, they came out and went into the pigs”… (Matt.8:28-32). Another Scripture that reveals that Jesus cast out demons by the Power of His Word shows that “He rebuked (word) the unclean spirit, and healed a child and delivered him again to his father” (Luke 9: 42). In this connection, therefore, it becomes established that:
(i)        Jesus cast out demons by the Power of His word and not by handing out religious ornaments,
like, apron, bangle, bead, etc. (Matt. 8:5-13;16)
(ii)      He rebuked and cast out demons by the same Power of His word and not by appeasing them through
 religious rituals, like animal sacrifices or exchange of gifts with the devil ,etc (Luke 9: 42)
(iii)     Jesus equally reveals that when demons are cast out by the Finger of God, it shows the Kingdom
of God is present, and at work, (Luke 11:20-)
The believer’s authority to cast out demons strictly lies in the Name of Jesus. Thus, Jesus remarks … “these signs will accompany those who believe: In my Name, they will drive out demons”… (Mark 16:17). Here, it becomes important to let the believer know that the Name of Jesus produces the desired power in deliverance only when the person ministering deliverance is in the same character with Jesus, and by way of information, the character of Jesus is holy, and never compromises with sin. Furthermore, the believer should also note that the Name of Jesus in deliverance ministry is never used in a vacuum, but must be based on the Word of God, as a way of activating the Power in the Word,(Heb. 4:12). So, in deliverance work, it is important to remind God of His promises, as well as hit the devil with the “authoritative” or what is expressed as “ it is written” (Matt.4:4,7,11). Having cited the above, the believer should, as well take cognizance of the fact that the power to cast out demons requires personal consecration, and so, the believer who desires to be effective in casting out demons must be a man or woman of:
(i)        unshakable faith, (Matt. 17:14-20)
(ii)      fervent prayer, (vs21)
(iii)     devotional fasting, (vs. 21)
In conclusion, please be reminded that this lesson is an attempt to reveal certain basic symptoms of demon possession, as well as show biblical ways of casting them out of their victims based on the teachings and acts of Jesus in deliverance ministry, as it also points to Satan and his fallen angels as the mainstay of the problem, which the believer must deal with, without compromise. BE INFORMED

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