NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD
(Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
The Christian and Demon
Devotional Text: Luke
In this part of the Sunday School lesion on the Bible and
Deliverance Ministry, effort is made towards ascertaining if a Christian, who
is said t be the temple of the Living God, can actually be demon possessed. To
this end, if the investigation becomes positive, what then, constitutes demon
possession in a Christian? If it becomes negative, how does one account for the
series of demonic attacks on Christians? But, before the cited inquiry, it is
important to state in concrete terms who a Christian is. Biblically speaking, a
Christian is one whose life is quickened unto righteousness (Rom. 8:10-11), and
is alive in his spirit, soul and body (I Thess. 5:23). And, by way of contrast,
the Bible does not recognize a sinner as a Christian, since he is yet dead in
trespasses and sins (Eph. 2:1-3), and does not possess the Spirit of Christ,
(1) The
Christian is the temple of the Living God, where the Holy Spirit lives, (2 Cor.
(2) The Holy
Spirit possesses the spirit of a Christian, and so, demons cannot possess the
spirit of a Christian, (vs. 16)
(3) Demons can
bewitch or afflict the soul, that is, the mind, will, emotion, and the body of
a Christian, if given the access,
(2Cor. 11:3-4; Gal. 3:1-2)
(4) Demons can
equally afflict the body of a Christian, but cannot touch the spirit, (Luke
As already indicated, the Holy Scripture reveals that the
Christian cannot be demon possessed, but could suffer affliction from demonic
kingdom, and that, this said affliction can become successful where the
Christian yields to sin or allow demons unwarranted access to his life. And,
when the reason for the affliction of the Christian is sin, the right step for
the affected Christian is to quickly repent and return to God, since there is
no other way out. For, it is biblically obvious that when God is not on the
side of the Christian, Satan assumes full power to steal, kill and destroy,
(John10:10). Therefore, to deny Satan the access that leads to demonic
affliction, the Christian should not yield to;
the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21), demonic medium and
practices,(Deut. 18:10-12)
(ii) sacrifice
offered to demons (I Cor. 10:20), false spirit, false Christ and false gospel,
(2Cor. 11:3-4).
(iii) deceit (Acts 5:3) and demonic teachings, (I Tim. 4:1-5).
The Scripture also reveals that a Christian can equally suffer
affliction by reason of his righteous stance in the Lord. A good example of
affliction by reason of righteous stance, is the woman cited in the main text
of this lesson, whom Jesus referred to as a daughter of Zion, who suffered
satanic affliction for eighteen years, (Luke 13:10-17). The whole story of the
life of Job, equally shows that he
suffered affliction from Satan and his kingdom by reason of his righteous
stance in the Lord (Job 1:1-11; 2:1-8), which lingered so long that his wife
(vs. 9-10) and friends (Job 2:11-13; 42:7-9), where thrown into confusion. But,
the Lord, in His faithfulness delivered him at the appropriate time, as well as
blessed him beyond measures, (vs. 10-16). This confirms the biblical truth that
many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them from them
all, (Psalm 34:19). In this connection, therefore, the Christian should note
God’s deliverance will surely come the way the righteous when his
is by reason of his righteous stance in the
Lord, (vs. 19)
not every affliction of the Christian is by reason of his sin,
(vs. 19)
it is good for the Christian to always examine himself when he is
afflicted to find out if the affliction is by reason
of sin
or by reason of his righteous stance in the Lord, to enable him adjust or stand
still for God’s deliverance, (vs. 19)
Now that it has become biblically obvious that a Christian filled
with the Spirit of God cannot be possessed by demons, but could suffer
affliction from them, and that the said affliction could come by reason of the
Christian allowing sin into his life or by reason of his righteous stance in
the Lord. What then, should the Christian do, as they come? And, why then is,
freedom from affliction necessary? In answer to questions raised, the Christian
should face the fact of affliction, but should never allow sin become the point
for his affliction, as this makes him a captive of Satan, and could lead to his
final destruction, (John 10:10). And, for the reason why freedom from
affliction is necessary, the Christian should understand that God does not want
His people to be, or remain in bondage, but desires their freedom, (Psalm
34:19). Based on the foregoing, the Christian should take to heart that;
God allows certain afflictions to test His
people, (Job 1:1-22; 2:1-8)
affliction by reason of sin signifies God’s
wrath and not test, (I Cor. 10:6-10)
God delivers and blesses one who remains faithful
during affliction, (Job 42:10-16)
conclusion, let it be noted that “all things work
together for good, to them that love God”… (Rom.8:28). So, when you face
affliction by reason of your righteous stance, know with certainty that it will
work out your good. PLEASE, BE FAITHFUL
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