NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD
(Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Demonic covenant and initiation
Devotional Text: Ex. 23:31-33; Deut. 18:10-12
This part of the series on the Bible and Deliverance Ministry,
which focuses on Demonic Covenant and Initiation, is an attempt to show why
certain efforts in casting out demons proves too hard or impossible. In fact, a
covenant with the demonic kingdom or an initiation into their cult gives demons
the legal right to vehemently resist any attempt to cast them out of their
victims or subjects. This is because in a covenant, an agreement is reached,
while in initiation, a membership is conferred, and this take the exercise of
one’s will and consent. So, in trying to cast out demons under such conditions,
there must be the breaking of the covenant or the denouncing of the vows of
initiation, without which every effort to cast out the demons involved would be
effort in futility
(1) God’s word
strictly forbids making covenant with demons or other gods (Ex. 23:32)
(2) Making
covenant with demons brings one into unexpected evil or snare, (vs. 33)
(3) God’s word
equally forbids initiation into any demonic cult, (Deut. 18:10)
(4) An
initiation into demonic cult is an abomination to the Lord, (vs. 12)
Simply put, “covenant means agreement”, and this said agreement
could be between two individuals or group of individuals. A covenant could also
be between people of the same level of power or between those of different
levels. At times, a covenant could be between spirits (demons) and human beings
or between God and man. Therefore, by demonic covenant, the writer means that
type of agreement that exist between certain individuals or group(s) with
demons or demonic kingdom, possibly with certain terms that hold them together.
In deliverance ministry, such covenant and the associated terms must be broken
and relinquished, if the human victim of the covenant(s) would be delivered.
This is because, in covenant(s), there is always a conscious exercise of the
will of the personalities involved, which requires conscious breaking of the
ties involved, before the parties involved in the covenant could be legally
free to go or let go. To this end, therefore,
it becomes obvious that someone who had been in covenant with demons, but now
desires to be freed, must:
exercise his will, like the prodigal son, to return to the Lord,
(Luke 15:18-20)
be willing to break every demonic ties involved in his covenant
with demons, (2 Cor. 6:14-17)
uncompromisingly adopt and remain in the New Creation realities, (2
Cor. 5:17)
According to the EN English Dictionary, initiation is, “a ceremony by which a person is introduced into any
society”, as it also renders that an “initiate”
is a “new member of an organization”.
And, all this indicates the exercise of personal volition or will. This
implies that a demonic initiation confers on one the membership of a demonic
fraternity through the exercise of one’s will, and so, for such an individual
to be delivered from such an order, he must once again exercise his will out of
the fraternity, by denouncing the demonic organization and every term of
agreement, if the demons involved would go or be forced to go. This is one of
the basic reasons why certain demons refuse to go or stay more than required
during deliverance sessions. So, in any attempt to deliver someone from demonic
powers, it becomes advisable to;
find out if such an individual is an “initiate” of any demonic
cult, (Deu.18:10)
(ii) ask such a
person, if involved, to denounce and confess the sin to the Lord, for
forgiveness and deliverance, (Acts 19:18-19)
(iii) apply the Power
in the Blood of Jesus (Rev. 12:11) as well as deploy the authority in the Name
of Jesus, for forceful ejection of demons involved, (Mark 16:17)
Freedom is the state of being free, probably after some time of
being enslaved. In the Holy Scripture, Jesus reveals that sin is a major point
of spiritual slavery (John 3:34), and this gives Satan and his demons the
impetus to hold people bound. But, Jesus promises a complete and irrevocable
freedom, (vs. 36). However, one who had been delivered from demonic powers
needs to continue in the teachings of Jesus for the knowledge that leads to the
cited freedom, (vs.31-32). This implies that an old order must give way for the
new. So, for the purpose of this lesson, one who had had covenant with the
demonic kingdom or had been delivered, should without delay translate into a
new covenant with Jesus, if one must maintain one’s freedom. In this covenant;
sin is no longer permitted, (John 8:11)
a new way of life becomes the order of the day, (2 Cor. 5:17)
(iii) the Lordship
of Jesus becomes supreme in everyday life, (Rom. 13:14)
please, note once again that demonic covenant and initiation are strong
hindrances to demon casting, and so, require that such relationships with
satanic kingdom be denounced, if freedom would be achieved for the victim or
the person seeking deliverance. TO GOD
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