Wednesday, 25 April 2018


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:


Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Devotional Text: 1 Cor. 15:33-34
Someone in bad company is someone who is in association with people of evil intent, which the Holy Scripture says we should avoid, as it remarks, “Do not be misled, bad company corrupts good character” {1Cor. 15:33}, stressing that we should come back to our senses as we ought, and stop sinning, since there are some who are ignorant of GOD”...{vs. 34}. In line with the foregoing, GOD’S WORD equally says that we should “abstain from every form of evil” {1 Thess 5:22}, as well as tells us to “have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” {Eph 5:11}


(1)       Bad company is being in affiliation with bad people, {1Cor. 15:33}
(2)       Bad company  definitely corrupts good character, {vs. 33}
{3}       Bad company makes one continue senselessly in sin, {vs.34}
             {4}       Bad company should be avoided, as a way of stopping the tide of sin in one’s life, {vs.34}
“Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character”{1 Cor. 15:33} is a biblical expression which indicates that  corruption is infectious, and that anybody could be affected, irrespective of rank or status, as well as sounds a note of warning that one should not be a party to bad company, to avoid being corrupted. Corruption in this context is depravity, and depravity, by way of definition is “the state of being immoral or wicked, as the truth remains that every immoral person is capable of corrupting others, no matter the level of moral profile they may have attained. But, the self-righteous and those who trust in man’s ever failing strength may disagree and discard this biblical truth, even when it is scripturally obvious that it is not possible for one to stay out of corruption without separating oneself from corrupt individuals {vs.33}. And, no doubt, it is in the light of the above that GOD’S WORD also says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can LIGHT have with darkness?...,as it concludes by saying, come out from them and be separate, says the LORD...{2Cor 6:14-18}. In this connection, therefore, please note again from the Holy Scripture that:       
(i)                    Bad company corrupts good character,{1Cor 15:33}
(ii)                  We should abstain from all appearances of evil,{1 Thess 5:22}
(iii)                 We should also have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them,{Eph 5:11}
According to the HOLY WORD of GOD, it is not possible to serve two masters, the same time, at the same degree of devotion{Matt 6:24}, just as it is not practicable to be in bad company and at the same time be in the company of the righteous as a real devotee. In other words, one cannot be holy and at the same time be corrupt. It is either one is holy or one is corrupt. For, in the WORDS of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR, a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit,{Matt 7:18}. This implies that no devotee of a bad company can manifest good character, as no devotee of a good company can do otherwise. To this end, the Holy Scripture says, “awake to righteousness and sin not”...{1Cor 15: 34}. And, note also that.... GOD is LIGHT and in HIM there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with HIM, yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth,”{1John 1:5-6}. By this, therefore, this lesson remarks that one who:
(i)                    Claims to be in good company but have things in common with those in bad company is never real to one’s claim,{vs. 5-6}
(ii)                  Is in bad company is in fellowship with darkness which GOD Has nothing to do with,{vs. 5-6;1Cor15:33-34}
(iii)                 Refuses to awake to righteousness, but continues in bad company demonstrates the fact that one
 has no knowledge of GOD,{VS.33-34}
The only way to get out of bad company is to get out. And, there is the ideological getting out, and there is the sociological getting out. The ideological getting out of  bad company borders on the relinquishing of those beliefs which tie members together, and the sociological getting out of such groups has to do with open denunciation, as well as firm stoppage of physical appearances in any social activities or gathering of such bodies. In line with this, the Holy Scripture again, says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? And what concord has LIGHT and darkness? And what concord has CHRIST with Belial? Or what part has the believer with the unbeliever? And what agreement has the TEMPLE of GOD with idols? For you are the temples of the LIVING GOD”...wherefore come out from among them, and be separate...and I will receive you”... {2Cor 6:14-18}, which indicates that:
(i)                    Those in bad companies or associations must repent and refrain from such groups before GOD will accept them,{vs. 14-18}
(ii)                  Since we are originally designed to be temples of the LIVING GOD, one who is in bad company or association
 has automatically turn oneself into the temple of idol, which GOD cannot accept,{vs.14-18}
(iii)                 One must separate oneself from every bad company, secret or open, as well as get rid of every ideology
 they hold, if GOD must accept one,{vs. 14-18}
In conclusion, please be reminded that bad company corrupts good character, and that no one can be a devotee of bad company and that of a good company at the same time. And so, one must refrain from bad company, if one must be free from the corruption of bad company. THE TIME TO CHANGE IS NOW!

Sunday, 15 April 2018


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Devotional Text: Jude 11

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, “a model is something such as a system that can be copied by other people or a person or thing that is considered an excellent example”. However, from the negative angle, our brother Jude refers to Cain, Balaam and Korah as bad models of the Old Testament Characters, citing them as powerful illustrations of propensities to avoid. To this end, he points to the selfishness of Cain, the greed of Balaam and the rebellion of Korah. Their stories can be found in Genesis 4, Numbers 22 and Numbers 16, respectively. After filling his letter with such negative examples, Jude, nevertheless concludes triumphantly that GOD is able to keep his people from falling”,{ vs 24}
(1)      Cain is a bad model of selfishness, {Jude 11}
(2)      Balaam is a bad model of greed {vs. 11}
(3)      Kprah is a bad model of rebellion, {vs. 11}
(4)      Cain, Balaam and Korah are bad models to avoid {vs.11}
Cain remains the foremost figure noted for selfishness, since the advent of his offering to GOD, with his brother Abel. The biblical expression that Cain merely “brought some of the fruits of the soil’...but Abel brought “fat portions of his produce {Gen4:3-5} shows that Cain was indeed a selfish individual, who reserved his own fat portion for himself and not for the LORD or any other person. By way of analysis, a selfish man is self-thinking, self-gratifying and self-interest seeker, who constantly promotes what profits him at the expense of others. This is certainly a dangerous factor in both church and society, and should be discouraged. Furthermore, selfishness was the remote cause of the murder of Abel, since it promoted the unacceptable offering, which the LORD rejected, as well as stirred up the bitterness in the heart of Cain, which finally led to the killing of his brother {vs.4-8}, and by so doing became a bad model of murder. In this connection, this lesson biblically stresses that Cain:
(i)                    Remains a bad model of murder that should be rejected {vs.3-8}
{ii}                Became a bad model of careless offering to the LORD, as prompted by selfishness,
which should not be copied, {vs.3-8}
(ii)                  Stands out as a bad model of lack of remorse for killing his brother, which equally should be avoided,{vs. 3-9}
Balaam is a model of greed {Jude11}, and greed, according to the Bible, is idol worship, {Col 3:5}. Therefore, Balaam remains a bad model that should be avoided by all who wish to escape the damnation of hell,{ Rev 21:8}. The EN English Dictionary defines “greed” as that intense and selfish desire for wealth, power and food, a propensity which has become habitual in the lives of most Gospel Ministers and believers, irrespective of the biblical injunction citing it as one of the sins that should not be mentioned among the saints,{Eph 3:5}. Today, certain individuals designated “men of GOD” in the field of the Gospel, like Balaam, are driven by the force of greed for profit making, instead of soul winning, as most believers carry the same inclination to make money and wealth by all means. And so, such individuals, no matter their status in church and society are bad models, whose way of life must be rejected. Based on the foregoing, therefore, this lesson states that:
(i)                    Greedy men of GOD who take undue advantage of church finances are bad models that should be avoided,[Jude11}
(ii)                  Believers who toe the path of greed that has lured them into the love of money which is the root of all kinds of evil, are equally bad models to avoid {vs. 11;1Tim 6:9-10}
(iii)                 Community leaders who are greedy of the people’s wealth and are known for the undue exploitation of the people for their selfish gains are, as well bad models that we should not copy from, [vs. 11; vs.9-10}
Korah is another individual designated an evil influence by our brother Jude {vs11} On his part, he is a bad model of rebellion, which the Bible says is tantamount to witchcraft, {1 Sam 15:23}. Rebellion is disobedience against constituted authority. It could also be defined as “resistance to an established government or ruler. And, Korah was noted for this dastardly act in the administration of Moses, which earned him and his men a devastating end, {Num 16}. This shows how the LORD views rebellion. Every authority is of GOD, {Rom 13:1}. These include civil authority {vs. 1}, family authority, {Eph 6:1-3:5:22-23}, religious authority { Heb 13:17}, and more, and so, any person who rebels against constituted authority rebels against the LORD. On this note, this lesson scripturally cites that:
(i)                    Those, who like Korah rebel against civil authorities are bad models to shun, {Rom 13:1-7}
(ii)                  Children who rebel against their parents are equally bad models to reject, { Eph 6:1-3}
(iii)                 Religious adherents who work against their leaders are also bad models to turn away from,{ Heb 13:17}
In conclusion, the term “bad models” shows that there are people of evil influences, who corrupt others. But, note also that there are”good models” that can influence those who come their way for good. By way of summary, those who fear GOD and keep HIS COMMANDMENTS are “good models” to copy. BE SOBER

Friday, 13 April 2018


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:

Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Devotional Text: Prov, 31:10-31
The expression of the Scripture,...”a virtuous woman”{Prov. 31:10-31KJV} or “a wife of noble character {NIV} who can find?” deeply indicates that womanhood lacks fellows who qualify as ideal wives, who are worth far more than rubies, whose husbands have full confidence  in, and lacks nothing of value{vs. 10-11}. Cultures and institutions in today’s world have yardsticks which set forth models for the ideal woman, but none of these can, in any way, suit GOD’S STANDARD for womanhood or be taken as complementary code to what the LORD GOD has put in for humanity, as the Bible remains the only document that gives credence to ideal or virtuous woman.


(i)              A virtuous woman has the full confidence of her  husband and lacks nothing of value, { Prov. 31:11}
(ii)            A virtuous woman brings good, not harm, to her family, all the days of her life, {vs. 12}
(iii)           A virtuous woman is known for her timely provision of food and other necessities for her family, {vs. 14- 15}
(iv)           A virtuous woman sets about her work vigorously and remains strong in her tasks, {vs. 17}, etc.
Virtuous women are not easy to come by, but easy to spot out. This is because their noble character distinguishes them from the ever increasing number of women who lack the virtue they possess. The testimony of the people as it concerns Ruth fits the aforestated, which the Holy Scripture, in the words of Boaz ascribes to her, when he says,...”all my fellow kinsmen know that you are a woman of noble character”, { Ruth 3:11b} This shows that people know the qualities of a virtuous woman, and by implication know those who are not, and so, women who think otherwise, are by this, enjoined to turn a new leaf, for a better future. To this end, therefore, this lesson states that:
(i)                    People know that a virtuous woman is not that type who run after men for immorality, {Ruth 3:10}
(ii)                   Everybody is aware of the qualities of a virtuous woman {vs.11}
(iii)                 A virtuous woman shines as light among other women,, {vs. 11}
A virtuous woman wins the confidence of her husband by her trustworthy character, since she allows no deceit in her life and marital relationship. Confidence is built by trust, and trust is built by honesty. Therefore, a woman who is not honest to her husband is not a virtuous woman, and so, cannot win the confidence of her husband. This suggests the reason why the Bible talks of the virtuous woman as....worth far more than rubies {Prov. 31:10b}, and...“lacks nothing of value,” {vs. 11}. This does not designate her as flawless, but shows she is a woman of a high level of moral profile and human quality. Based on the above, this lesson opines that a virtuous woman wins the confidence of the husband:
(i)              Because of her trustworthiness to her husband, {vs. 11}
(ii)            Equally because her husband has tested and proven her a trustworthy person,{vs. 11}
(iii)           Not because of her outward adornment, but because of her uncompromising chastity and unfailing beauty
(iv)            of a gentle and quiet spirit, {vs. 11; 1Peter 3:1-4}
The virtuous woman...”is like the merchant ships bringing her food from afar. She gets up while it is still dark, she provides food for her family and portions for servant girls. She considers a field and buys it out of her earning, she plants a vineyard. She sets about her work vigorously.: her arms are strong for her tasks, {Prov. 31: 14-17} Now, notice that a virtuous woman...”brings her food from afar” {vs. 14}, stressing her ability to do everything humanly possible to fend for her family legitimately. She gets up early to provides for the members of her household {vs.15}, which shows she is punctual to duty  and does not delegate her GOD-given domestic assignments to someone else, as well as serves all without discrimination,{vs. 15}. She considers a field and buys it out of her earnings”...{vs. 16}, an indication of her ability to support her husband in his own role. She sets about her work vigorously; he arms are strong for her tasks, {vs17}, which implies her relentlessness on duty. The brief biblical analysis above on the activities of the virtuous woman serves as a divine yardstick for today’s woman. In this connection, therefore, this lesson also stresses that, for a woman to be termed a virtuous woman, she must be:
(i)        Well grounded in domestic duties and good work,[Prov. 31:12-17}
(ii)      One who supports her husband in fending for her family, {vs. 12-17}
(iii)     A woman of tireless and productive hard work for the family, {vs. 12-17}
In conclusion, please observe that, a virtuous woman, who the Bible also cites as a wise woman, builds her own house but the foolish one destroys hers, {Prov. 14:1}. The foolish woman in this contest is a representation of every woman who is not virtuous, and implies that such women really never build their homes, but destroy them. Are you one of such women? THE TIME TO CHANGE IS NOW!