Friday, 13 April 2018


                                    PROF. BEN ONYEUKWU (REV.)
NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:
1/19/17 - 1 Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu

Devotional Text: Isaiah 1
According to the BBC English Dictionary, “someone’s destiny is everything that will happen to them, especially when it is considered to be controlled by someone or something else.’ In the beginning GOD created mankind with a destiny of fortunes and prosperity, conditioned by choice, {Gen 2:8-9}. However, man’s wrong choice earned him a destiny of misfortunes and retrogression, {Gen 3}. Since then, the destiny of man has been conditioned with good and bad. Good, when he obeys GOD {Deut 28: 1-14}, and bad, when he disobeys, {vs. 15-45}. To this end, GOD’S WORD upholds that, one who becomes wiling and obedient, eats the best of the land, but one who resists and rebels is devoured by the sword, says the LORD, {Isaiah 1:19-20}.


             {1}       Man’s destiny goes positive when GOD is obeyed, {Deut 28:1-14}
{2}       Man’s destiny, however, goes negative when GOD is disobeyed, {vs. 15-45}
             {3}       Man’s destiny cannot be controlled by demonic powers or evil men, as they can
                          only attack or fight it, and this eventually leads to its fulfilment, {see Gen 45:4-8}
             {4}       Man’s destiny, at times, may appear to be negative, but GOD uses all things to work out the good of the destiny, {vs. 4-8; Rom 8:28}
The biblical concept of destiny does not connote “fate”.  Fate is usually considered a predetermined course of events beyond human control, and a typical response to a belief in fate is resignation, since nothing can change it. This idea of destiny is called fatalism, and it is not biblical. In Hinduism, for instance, it is the fatalistic view of life that keeps India’s caste system in place, a practice which is certainly “man’s inhumanity to man”, which the Holy Bible kicks against, as it says, “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in CHRIST JESUS, [Gal. 3:28}. GOD’S WORD, shows that destiny is a matter of choice, which can make or mar an individual who makes a decision. In this connection, the Holy Scripture clearly teaches that, one who keeps GOD’S WORD goes with a positive destiny, as one who thinks otherwise carries a negative one, [see Deut 28:1-45]. By this, therefore, this lesson reaffirms that:
(i)                    Obedience to GOD’S WORD brings good to one’s destiny, as rebellion brings misfortune to it, [Isaiah 1: 19-20]
(ii)                  It is the LORD GOD who controls man’s destiny, and makes appropriate changes based on one’s attitude, [vs. 19-20]
(iii)                 A negative destiny can be redirected to the point of fortunes and prosperity if a deviant turns a new leaf, [vs. 19-20]
From a Google source, the writer gathers that, the Bible teaches that Man was created with the ability to make moral choices and that he is responsible for those choices. The Fall of Man was not a predetermined event in which Adam and Eve were hapless victims of a Puppet-Master God. On the contrary, Adam and his wife had the ability to choose obedience (with its attendant blessing) or disobedience (with its consequent curse). They knew what the result of their decision would be, and they were held accountable (Genesis 3). This implies that man’s destiny is certainly in man’s hand, and equally shows that he possesses the power to exercise his GOD-given will for his good or channels it to his hurt. In other words, people often have a destiny they bring upon themselves. For, “he who sows wickedness reaps trouble” (Prov 22:8a). “All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” (Prov 14:23).  Therefore, those who exercise their will:
                [i]        As enemies of the CROSS of CHRIST have a destiny of destruction, [Phil 3:18-19]
   [ii]       For adultery lacks judgment, and destroy their destiny” (Prov 6:32).
   [iii]     Wrongly should better be informed that they will be judged according to what they have done, [Rev. 29:13]
The Christian believer is called for the purpose of GOD, which is often characterized by good and bad, which the Holy Scripture says will altogether work for the good that GOD plans for him, {Rom 8:28}. Therefore, the believer needs not to worry when the seemingly undesirable plays up, since GOD in His sovereignty controls all things, and would by such things work out the believer’s expected end, {Jere 29:11}. However, the believer should equally know that sin is a breach of GOD’S plan for one’s life, and so, should avoid it, as GOD’S WORD remarks that, “righteousness exalts a nation, by sin is a reproach”, {Prov 14:34}. According to our source, “many who choose to sin often reap its negative consequences, and foolishly blame it on the LORD or fate” {Prov 19:3}. The above narrative simply shows that:
(i)                    The Christian believer can mar his destiny by way of indulging in sin, {Prov 14:34}
(ii)                  One should not blame the LORD or fate when one is the cause of one’s negative destiny, {Prov 19:3}
(iii)                 The Christian believer should, as well bear in mind that the choice to sin, is equally the choice
 to a negative destiny {Prov 14:34}.
In conclusion, let it be reaffirmed that GOD originally created man with a destiny of fortunes and prosperity {Gen 1:26-28}, but man by his choice of sin brought upon himself a destiny of misfortunes and retrogression, {Gen 3}. But, JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED LORD and SAVIOUR through HIS atoning death on the CROSS brought restoration and hope back to man, that is, those who would believe and receive HIM as the LORD of their lives {See Col 1:27}. This means that believers in CHRIST are by HIS atoning death restored to a destiny of blessings, but can lose it by returning to a life of sin. RESTORE YOUR DESTINY TODAY!

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