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Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Text: Rev. 12:10
According to the Holy Scripture, Satan is “the accuser of our brethren”. In
keeping with this biblical truth, David J. Stewart remarks that Satan does not
accuse the sinful world, or the haters of GOD. He does not accuse the rejecters
of CHRIST and blasphemers. He equally does not accuse humanists, witches,
liberals, false prophets and modernists...but accuses Christians, that is, the
born again, referred to as “our
brethren”. And so, when the ungodly or sinners accuse others, they manifest
the character of their father, the devil, who is “the accuser of our brethren”. To this end, Steve Wallace cautions
that one thinks soberly before blasting off charges against anyone or believing
any accusations made by someone, but rather learns to make assessment and
comments on people based on the fruits of their lives, and not on accusations
they have heard, {Matt. 7:20; Gal. 2:14}.
(1) Satan is the
accuser of brethren, as well as the mastermind of every accusation(Rev. 12:10)
(2) One who
pedals accusations works in collaboration with Satan and his demonic kingdom
(vs. 10)
(3) Accusations
can be based on truth, half-truth or outright falsehood, and they all are the
handiwork of Satan, {vs. 10}
(4) Accusations
stem from fault-finding spirit, and fault-finding is the devil’s stock in
trade, which the believer should
avoid, {vs. 10}
In the words of D. Roberts D. D., an accuser
is not necessarily an enemy, a friend may be an accuser; but his relationship
depends on the object of his accusation. If his intention is to harass and vex,
then, he is an enemy, but if his design is to reform, then, he is indeed a
friend. But Satan “the accuser of our
brethren”, {Rev. 12:10} is never a friend, but a constant enemy, who
constantly accuses our Christian brethren before GOD, and all those who engage
in false accusations act as such, {2 Tim. 3:3}. In this connection, the Holy
Scripture admonishes the believer to be of holy behaviour, instead of false
accuser {Titus 2:3}. And so, the
Christian believer should learn to be loving
and friendly when an accusation turn out to be true, and like JESUS seek ways
of helping the accused out of the problem, instead of condemning him, {see John
8:3-11}. By this, therefore, this lesson further opines that:
Satan is indeed the accuser of our brethren
and the mastermind of every accusation, (Rev. 12:10;John 8:3-6)
(ii) He often
plots the downfall of people in order to accuse them, (vs. 6)
(iii) In most
cases he bring up false accusations against the people of GOD in an attempt to
destroy or bring them down,
(Acts 25:17-18)
The accused is someone, one claims has done
something wrong. According to the Webster English Dictionary, “to accuse” is
“to charge with or declare that one has committed a crime”. In the Holy
Scripture, Job serves as a good example of the accused. Though, a good man, as
GOD HIMSELF testifies, yet Satan accused him without recourse. In the same way,
Satan induces people to accuse others. Biblically speaking, Job’s brethren
accused him falsely, {4:7-8}. The Pharisees toed the same path against our LORD
and BLESSED SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, {Matt. 12:22-24}. Furthermore, in the words
of Steve Wallace, “among the sins characteristic of the “last days” is that
some will be false accusers { 2 Tim. 3:2}, which indicates that anyone,
believer or non-believer could be a “false accuser” where Satan is allowed to
have his way. In line with the foregoing, this lesson equally establishes the
biblical truth that:
A good or innocent fellow could be accused
falsely, (Job 4:7-8)
(ii) False
accusation is not new to the Christian faith, (Matt. 12:22-24)
(iii) The accused
Christian should always ensure that accusations against him remains false, (Acts 25:13-18)
Eternal reward of false accusers cannot be
well explained, if the biblical expression which stresses that King Darius
commanded and they brought those men who accused Daniel, and they cast them
into the den of lions, them, their children, and their wives, and the lions had
mastery of them, and broke all their bones in pieces... {Daniel 6:24} is not
cited, as the Scripture brings to the fore, the devastating danger which awaits
those who, with Satan, engage in false accusation. And, be informed that Satan,
who is the prime accuser of our brethren is already drafted to hell, and, no
doubt, those who share the same propensity with him will definitely share the
same fate, {see Rev. 20:10; 21:8}. Based on the above assertion, please note
False accusers are lairs who will definitely
have their part in the lake of fire, (Rev. 21:8)
(ii) They are
part of those who love and make a lie that would not be allowed into the
Kingdom of Heaven, (22:15)
(iii) Lying
tendency, which is the nature of the devil {John 8:44} is what stirs up false
accusation {2 Tim. 3:3}, and
to eternal destruction, {Rev. 21:8}.
conclusion, once again notice that Satan is “the accuser of our brethren” {Rev.12:10}, as well as the brain
behind all who accuse others falsely, {2 Tim. 3:3}, and this, should be
avoided. Notice, also that false accusation has negative consequences on earth
{Dan 6:24}, and carries eternal punishment hereafter, {Rev.21:8}. NOW, YOU KNOW!
Church of:
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