NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies);
ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: 1 Cor. 15:33-34
Someone in bad company is someone who is in association with
people of evil intent, which the Holy Scripture says we should avoid, as it
remarks, “Do not be misled, bad company corrupts good character” {1Cor. 15:33},
stressing that we should come back to our senses as we ought, and stop sinning,
since there are some who are ignorant of GOD”...{vs. 34}. In line with the
foregoing, GOD’S WORD equally says that we should “abstain from every form of
evil” {1 Thess 5:22}, as well as tells us to “have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them” {Eph 5:11}
(1) Bad company
is being in affiliation with bad people, {1Cor. 15:33}
(2) Bad company definitely corrupts good character, {vs. 33}
{3} Bad company makes one continue
senselessly in sin, {vs.34}
{4} Bad company should be avoided, as a way
of stopping the tide of sin in one’s life, {vs.34}
“Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good
character”{1 Cor. 15:33} is a biblical expression which indicates that corruption is infectious, and that anybody
could be affected, irrespective of rank or status, as well as sounds a note of
warning that one should not be a party to bad company, to avoid being
corrupted. Corruption in this context is depravity, and depravity, by way of
definition is “the state of being immoral or wicked, as the truth remains that
every immoral person is capable of corrupting others, no matter the level of
moral profile they may have attained. But, the self-righteous and those who
trust in man’s ever failing strength may disagree and discard this biblical
truth, even when it is scripturally obvious that it is not possible for one to
stay out of corruption without separating oneself from corrupt individuals
{vs.33}. And, no doubt, it is in the light of the above that GOD’S WORD also
says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and
wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can LIGHT have with
darkness?...,as it concludes by saying, come out from them and be separate,
says the LORD...{2Cor 6:14-18}. In this connection, therefore, please note
again from the Holy Scripture that:
Bad company corrupts good character,{1Cor
We should abstain from all appearances of
evil,{1 Thess 5:22}
We should also have no fellowship with the
unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them,{Eph 5:11}
According to the HOLY WORD of GOD, it is not
possible to serve two masters, the same time, at the same degree of
devotion{Matt 6:24}, just as it is not practicable to be in bad company and at
the same time be in the company of the righteous as a real devotee. In other
words, one cannot be holy and at the same time be corrupt. It is either one is
holy or one is corrupt. For, in the WORDS of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED
SAVIOUR, a good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good
fruit,{Matt 7:18}. This implies that no devotee of a bad company can manifest
good character, as no devotee of a good company can do otherwise. To this end,
the Holy Scripture says, “awake to righteousness and sin not”...{1Cor 15: 34}.
And, note also that.... GOD is LIGHT and in HIM there is no darkness at all. If
we claim to have fellowship with HIM, yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not
live by the truth,”{1John 1:5-6}. By this, therefore, this lesson remarks that
one who:
Claims to be in good company but have things
in common with those in bad company is never real to one’s claim,{vs. 5-6}
Is in bad company is in fellowship with
darkness which GOD Has nothing to do with,{vs. 5-6;1Cor15:33-34}
Refuses to awake to righteousness, but
continues in bad company demonstrates the fact that one
has no knowledge of
The only way to get out of bad company is to
get out. And, there is the ideological getting out, and there is the sociological getting out. The ideological
getting out of bad company borders on
the relinquishing of those beliefs which tie members together, and the sociological
getting out of such groups has to do with open denunciation, as well as
firm stoppage of physical appearances in any social activities or gathering of
such bodies. In line with this, the Holy Scripture again, says, “Do not be
yoked together with unbelievers, for what fellowship has righteousness with
unrighteousness? And what concord has LIGHT and darkness? And what concord has
CHRIST with Belial? Or what part has the believer with the unbeliever? And what
agreement has the TEMPLE of GOD with idols? For you are the temples of the
LIVING GOD”...wherefore come out from among them, and be separate...and I will
receive you”... {2Cor 6:14-18}, which indicates that:
Those in bad companies or associations must
repent and refrain from such groups before GOD will accept them,{vs. 14-18}
Since we are originally designed to be
temples of the LIVING GOD, one who is in bad company or association
has automatically turn oneself
into the temple of idol, which GOD cannot accept,{vs.14-18}
One must separate oneself from every bad
company, secret or open, as well as get rid of every ideology
they hold, if GOD must
accept one,{vs. 14-18}
conclusion, please be reminded that bad company corrupts good character, and
that no one can be a devotee of bad company and that of a good company at the
same time. And so, one must refrain from bad company, if one must be free from
the corruption of bad company. THE TIME
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