Thursday, 11 February 2016


NCE(Eng.) ND/HD (Journalism); BA (Hons) MA, PhD.
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Devotional Text: Matt. 25:41-46
In the words of Louis Berkhof, some people are of the opinion that, “hell is merely a condition”, but God’s word pictures it, as a real place, and describes it, as “Furnace of fire” (Matt. 13:42), “Lake of Fire” (Rev. 20:14), Place of torments. (Luke 16:23-24), Place of gnashing of teeth (Matt. 13:49-50), and a place where worms do not die, (Mark 9:43-44).
Hell was not originally prepared for man, but for the devil and his angels, who sinned against God in the realm of heaven. However, God, in His righteousness and impartial justice states that all those who would take after Satan and his demons in sinning against Him would suffer eternal punishment with them, (Matt. 25:41).

(1)     Hell is pictured in the Bible as grave where both the righteous and the wicked go after death, (John 5:28-29).
(2)     Hell is also designated in Greek world “tartarus” as the place where the most wicked spirits were sent for punishment, (2 Peter 2:4).
(3)     Hell is, as well referred to in Greek word as “hades”, which means, a place of torments and conscious suffering, (Luke 16:23-31).
(4)     Hell is, equally, pictured in Greek word as “gehenna”, which figuratively is a name for the place or state of everlasting punishment, (Matt. 5:22).
The description of hell as a place of torments by Davis, who is also known as the Rich Man leaves nothing to desire about it, as well as instructive in terms of any careless living that could earn one a place in hell. Being in torments, his request that Abraham allow Lazarus dip his finger in water to cool his tongue pictures the fact that there is no material good in hell, and shows that, it is a place of real horror, (Luke 16:23-25).
Hell is a place of eternity for the un-repentant wicked individuals and sinners, which implies that there is no coming out of hell for those who fall victim of its damnation. This means  that, there will be no jail delivery, no amnesty, and of course, no jail break,. As victims would have no power to get themselves out of hell, when convicted. To this end, therefore, it becomes advisable for one;
(i)                   to repent and get rid of every activity that leads to the damnation of hell, (Rev. 21:8)
(ii)                 ensures that one’s name is written in the Book of Life, through genuine repentance, before the judgment day (Rev. 20:11-20).
(iii)                not to allow anything that would make one earn a place of torments in hell, (Luke 16:23-25).
Hell as a place of gnashing of teeth implies that its victims are deeply troubled that they lack words to express the sorrows which burn inside and outside of them. In comparison, no jail in the world, no matter how horrible, is as terrible as hell. This is because, in human jail, food is provided, but in hell, there is no such provision. In human jail, water is also provided, but in hell, none is provided. In human jail, inmates’ bath, but in hell, no such provision is made. By way of summary, there is nothing, materially or spiritually good in hell, apart from the ever-increasing suffering which prompts gnashing of teeth. And so, when ever one enters hell, laughter ceases, and the condition remains so forever. Having cited the above, let it be remarked that;
(i)                   Jesus Himself says, hell is a place of gnashing of teeth, (Matt. 13:49-50)
(ii)                 gnashing of teeth implies that the victims of hell will be in deep sorrows, (vs. 50);
(iii)                except one repents, one perishes in hell, after death, (Luke 13:3).
That worms do not die in hell is indicative of the fact that God put in place agents of discomfort for the victims of hell. In the natural world, when someone or animals dies, worms or termites eat up their remains, which eventually decay or disappear into the earth. But, in hell, God’s special worms constantly eat the soul of the wicked, without end or decay, to give them permanent discomfort, for forgetting or disregarding the God of Heaven who gave them the good life they enjoyed on earth, (see Psalm 9:17). In the words of Jesus,, in hell, their worms do not die, and the fire is not quenched, (Mark 9:43-44). This, by implication, means that every soul in hell receives a constant bite of the hellish worm, coupled with the torturing fire of damnation. In this connection, let it be noted that hell is a place where:
(i)                   people and their suffering’ never die, (vs. 43-44)
(ii)                 worms never stop inflicting pains on the souls of the wicked, (vs. 43-44);
(iii)                the fire never ceases to burn and torture its victims, (vs. 43-44).
In conclusion, please, let no one deceive you about the facts of hell and its horror, and do not be led into the unwarranted teachings of purgatory, for such are tools in the hands of Satan to destroy, (John 10:10). But, endeavour to make heaven, for it is wise to know, there is no hell in heaven, than to know, there is hell, in hell. DON’T BE DECEIVED!   

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