Thursday, 11 February 2016


NCE(Eng.) ND/HD (Journalism); BA (Hons) MA, PhD.
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bb.jpgDevotional Text: Hebrews 13:4

The Christian concept of marriage, biblically, holds that, it is the coming together of a male and a female individuals to live together as husband and wife (Gen. 2:18; 21:24), and by this, the idea of gay marriage, which God forbids (Lev. 20:13) is ruled out. From the Scripture cited above, it becomes obvious that marriage is God’s institution, and that, “monogamy”, that is, single marriage, or marriage with but one person, husband or wife, at the same time, as opposed to “polygamy”, which means having a plurality of wives or husbands at the same, is the Christian mode of marriage, which holds sway until the death of a partner, (See Romans 7:2-3).

(1)     Marriage is God’s institution, (Gen. 2:21-24).
(2)     Marriage is first and foremost for companionship, (vs 18).
(3)     Marriage is designed by God to be monogamous, (vs. 24).
(4)     Marriage requires intimacy between the man and woman, (vs 24)
Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism, which is the religion of the Jews, from which their religious cultural life revolves, in line with the laws of Moses, and this, of course has great influence on the Christian faith and marriage. For instance, some Christians consider the decisions that prompted Isaac (Gen. 24) and Jacob (Gen 29) to marry from their cultural home, as a way of life to be adopted by Christians, whereby discouraging inter-ethnic marriage among Christians. But, this ought not to be so, as what matters in Christian marriage is not the denomination or ethnicity of a suitor or bride, but, the oneness of faith in Christ. Therefore, Christians in marriage proposals should learn to consider the suitability or otherwise of the faith of the person(s) they intend to marriage, as well as take informed biblical decisions. To this end, this lesson posits that on no account should a Christian;
(i)       marry an unbeliever, considering the word of God in (2 Cor. 6:14-15);
(ii)     with born again experience marry otherwise, considering (vs 16) of the already cited Scripture, and (Amos 3:3).
(iii)    Who is one in Spirit with the Lord marry one who is immoral, considering what the Bible says in (I Cor. 6:16-17).
Here, this lesson posits first that the New Testament message does not forbid marriage, and so, any doctrine that forbids it, including compulsory priestly celibacy, is not of God, but of the Anti-Christ, (See I Tim. 4:1-3). In fact, the New Testament Scripture encourages marriage, but condemns immorality, (Heb. 13:4). And, even on the account of the death of a spouse, it advises that young widows or widowers should remarry, instead of becoming promiscuous (I Cor. 7:3-9), as it equally, encourages the unmarried (vs. 8) and virgin (vs. 36) to marry. Also, in the New Testament, the concept of monogamy in marriage is adduced for both the clergy (I Tim. 3:2) and the laity (Matt. 18:4-5). In this connection, therefore, this lesson further posits that the New Testament Scripture:
(i)                   is not against marriage, but says it should be honoured, (Heb. 13:4);
(ii)                 kicks against the doctrine that forbid marriage, (I Tim. 4:1-3)
(iii)                recommends monogamy as a form of marriage for the clergy, (I Tim. 3:2) and laity, (Matt. 19:4-5).
Every committed and true believer is aware that God is holy (I Peter 1:15-16), and His institutions are sanctified for holy purposes (Ex. 30:22-28).  And, marriage is not an exception. Thus, the Scripture remarks that, “marriage should be honoured by all, and marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer, and all the sexually immoral, (Heb. 13:4). This demand for Holy attitude in marriage is expected to begin from the onset, that is, from the period of dating to encouragement, via consummation. Mary, the mother of Jesus displayed this sacredness in the days of her pledge to marry Joseph, and so, stands out as a shinning example of the chastity of the Christians marriage, (see Luke 1:26-38). It is true that sometimes a believer, unlike Mary, may have lost her natural virginity, however, such a believer should be informed that, as one genuinely repents and surrenders to the Lord, one acquires a spiritual virginity, and in the sight of God, such a believer, by her new status, is seen as a part of the new creation (see 2 Cor. 5:17) and therefore, should no longer defile herself. In line with the aforestated, this lesson, equally posits that;
(I)                  pre-marital sex is not permitted in Christian marriage, (Luke 1:34);
(II)                infidelity is a taboo in Christian marriage, (Heb. 13:4);
(III)              sexuality in Christian marriage is exclusively the right of the married couple, (I Cor. 7:1-5).
In conclusion, this lesson serves as a guide that would help the believer in choosing a life partner. Though, not exhaustive, it can really be of help to any sincere seeker of the true part to Christian marriage. The lesson, also, can offer some measure of help to the Christian couple who wish to be true to the word of God in marriage. Be it as it may, the believer should finally understand that the hallmark of Christian marriage are love and submission, (Eph. 5:22-27). PLEASE, GET THEM!

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