Friday, 25 August 2017


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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The Duty of the Watchman

Devotional Text: Ezek.3:17-21
According to the BBC English Dictionary, “one’s duty is the work one has to do in one’s job”. In this connection, Ezekiel, as God’s watchman had the duty of hearing from God and warning the wicked for Him, as a way of saving them from judgment that comes as a result of sin, (Ezek. 3:18). In the same way, God expects those He calls as watchman in today’s world to be spiritual guards for the souls of the people, by getting His message and in turn presenting them to those they are sent to guard or minister to.


(1)       One of the duties of God’s watchman is to get messages from Him, (vs. 18)
(2)       Another duty of God’s watchman is to give God’s messages to the people, (vs.18)
(3)       God’s watchman has also the duty of saving the life of the wicked, (vs. 18)
(4)       God’s watchman has equally the duty of saving his own life, by not refusing to send God’s messages, (vs. 18-19)
One of the duties of God’s watchman is to devotionally wait on the Lord for His message(s) to the people he is sent to guard. This connotes the concept of prayer, fasting and total life of holiness to the Lord. In other words, God’s watchman should be a person of un-compromised consecration, in his spirit, soul and body, as a way of securing unhindered access to God, for what He has to say. Thus, the biblical expression... “son of man, I have made you a watchman for the House of Israel, so hear the word I speak and give them warning for me” (Ezek. 3:17) does not condone any form of unholy or careless living. And, like a gate-keeper, God’s watchman should always wait at the Lord’s Gate for messages to those at the point of his assignment. This means that God’s watchman, like Daniel, should be a person whose duty is to:
(i)                    Devotionally pray to God, (Dan. 6:10)
(ii)                  Spends time to hear from the Lord, (Dan. 8:13-14)
(iii)                 Watch and understand God’s vision for the people, (vs. 15-16)
God’s watchman does not only have the duty of waiting on the Lord for messages, but also the duty of faithful and honest presentation of the messages he receives from Him. This implies that messages from the Lord to His watchman should not be compromised or adulterated, as He requires that they be presented to the target audience, as raw as the watchman had received them. Therefore, the scriptural expression... “Hear the word I speak and give them warning for me” (Ezek. 3:17) simply means, hear my word and tell the people exactly what I have said. Principally, God’s watchman has the duty to warn both the wicked and the erring righteous, and this, the Lord expresses as follows; “when I say to a wicked man, you will surely die, and you do not warn him...that wicked man will die for his sin, and I will hold you accountable for his blood” (vs.19). Again, when a righteous man turns from his righteousness and does evil...he will die. Since you did not warn him... I will hold you accountable for his blood, (vs.20). By implication, the biblical narrative above shows that God’s watchman has, as well the duty to save self from the consequences of sins of others, as a result of neglect (vs.20). To this end, this lesson restates that God’s watchman has the duty to:
(i)                    Warn the wicked, as a way of saving them, (Ezek. 3:19)
(ii)                  Also warn the righteous who deviates from righteousness, (vs. 20)
(iii)                 Save self from dangers of not giving out God’s warning to the people, (vs. 19-20)
The grand duty of God’s watchman is to avert God’s judgment. But, God will always warn the wicked or the erring righteous man before tackling them in judgment, (Ezek. 3:19-20). This is where the duty of God’s watchman becomes crucial, as any act of neglect could cause serious damages on the people he is sent to guard, as well as on himself, (vs. 19-20). Wickedness carries death profile in God’s judgement, and the only way to avert it is to heed His warning, and so, God’s watchman should be concerned and duty-bound to save lives, instead of becoming careless in their duty posts. For, where they are not present or become negligent in their places of assignment, the judgment of God becomes inevitable. Thus, the Holy Scripture remarks, “the people of the land practise extortion and commit robbery; they oppress the poor and the needy and ill-treat the alien, denying them justice. And, I looked for a man among them who would stand in the gap to avert my judgment, but I found none. So, I will pour out my wrath on them and consume them”... (Ezek. 22:29-31). This makes it obvious that God’s watchman has the duty:
(i)        To warn the wicked to avert judgement, (Ezek. 3:19-20)
(ii)      Where he is absent, judgement becomes inevitable, (22:29-31)
(iii)     Also, where he is present, but fails to warn the wicked, judgment, as well comes, (3:19-20; 22:29-31)

In conclusion, please note again that God’s watchman has the duty of waiting on the Lord for His messages, as well as faithfully presenting same, as a means of warning the wicked to avert God’s judgment. BY THEIR FRUIT WE SHALL KNOW THEM!

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