Sunday, 6 August 2017


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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Devotional Text: Matt.26:17-30;1 Cor. 11:23-32

Holy Communion is one of the ordinances instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry. The second is baptism. These ordinances are referred to, by some churches as sacraments. Though, the Roman Catholic, Greek orthodox and some other churches recognise seven sacraments, which include: baptism, the Eucharist or communion, confirmation, marriage, holy orders, penance and extreme unction, only the Holy Communion and baptism were instituted by our Lord and Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ. Those who view these rites as sacraments look at them as means of grace for salvation, whereas, those who use the term ordinances tend to see them as outward symbols of an inward spiritual reality. And, as touching the periods the Holy Communion should be conducted, since it is the off-shoot of the feast of unleavened bread, which was done yearly (Ex.13:10) and the fact that Jesus observed it at the set time of (once) the year, (Luke 2:41), it becomes proper to state that the rite could still be conducted annually, though there is no law to that effect in the New Testament

(1)      Holy Communion is  not a means of grace for salvation, but a rite instituted in remembrance
 of the death of Christ, (1 Cor. 11:23-26)
(2)      Holy Communion is equally not a means of healing, but rather could bring sickness or death
 on those who eat it in an unholy manner, (vs. 27-30)
(3)      Holy Communion is also not a rite for wedding ceremony, but strictly instituted in recognition of the Body of the Lord, (vs. 29)
(4)      Holy Communion must be eaten with caution and self examination to avoid Divine Judgement that could lead
 to condemnation, (vs. 28-32)
Holy Communion, which is also known as the Lord’s Supper, the Lord’s Table or the Eucharist is a re-enactment of the Last Supper of our Lord with His disciples before He was crucified. In this supper, bread and wine (or juice) was cited to represent the Body and Blood of Christ. However, according to the Catholic Church, the substance of the bread and wine, when properly consecrated is believed to actually, physically change (transubstantiation) into the Body of Christ even though the physical appearance remains unchanged. On the other hand, Lutheran view of the Holy Communion holds that the Body of Christ are substantially present with the consecrated bread and wine (consubstantiation), even though these elements do not physically change. Be it as it may, the expression of Jesus, “take and eat, this is my Body (Matt.26:26), as well as (take this cup and drink from it, this is My Blood”, (vs. 27-28) seem to suggest that elements of the Holy Communion are transformed when the rite is performed by the Power and Standards of the Holy Spirit. To this end, therefore, this lesson states that Holy Communion should:
(i)                    Not be regarded as ordinary meal or played with, (1 Cor. 11:17-22)
(ii)                  Strictly be consecrated in remembrance of the Lord, (vs. 23-25)
(iii)                 Be for the proclamation of the Lord’s death, until He comes, (Vs. 26)
The commemorative view of the Holy communion in which the partaking of the bread and wine is seen as “memorial”, that is, “in remembrance” of Christ’s atoning sacrifice has, as well been canvassed by some people who hold that the elements of bread and wine o f the Holy communion are the representative symbols of the Body and Blood of Christ, but that His presence is not physically or substantially present in them. Also, in what is known as the Calvinist/ Reformed view of the Holy communion, the mystical, spiritual communion between the believer and Christ through the Holy Spirit, in which the Body and Blood of Christ are held to be truly (but only spiritually) present in the elements has equally been put forth by people of the cited religious faith. But, by way of reply and confirmation, that the Holy communion is said to be “in remembrance” of Christ’s (commemorative) atoning death does not deny its spiritual implications, as the concept that the Body and Blood of Christ are spiritually present in the elements when consecrated may also be true of the statement of Jesus,....”take, eat, “this is My Body”, and “drink (from) this cup, “this is My Blood”... (Matt. 26:26-28). This implies that the Holy Communion:
(i)                    Is commemorative, spiritual, as well as the cup of the New Covenant, ( 1 Cor. 11:25)
(ii)                  Whoever drinks the cup in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the Body and Blood of the Lord, (vs. 27)
(iii)                 Requires one to examine oneself before one eats and drinks of the cup, (vs. 28)
The scriptural statement,...”whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the Body and Blood of the Lord” (1 Cor. 11:27) is an eloquent Voice of the Holy Spirit, warning against the abuse of Holy communion. Note also that Holy Communion is a sacred meal basically instituted to commemorate the atoning death of Christ, and that unworthy eating of it could lead to sickness, and in some instances death, (1 Cor. 11: 27-30). And, there is nowhere the Scripture says healing or salvation could be obtained through Holy Communion. Furthermore, the idea that Holy Communion could be consecrated and dispensed to couples during wedding ceremonies has no biblical support (1 Cor. 11:26-32). Based on the foregoing, it becomes biblically proper to state that it is abuse of Holy Communion to:
(i)                    Dispense it to the dying sinner as a means of grace for salvation, in the name of “last sacrament”, (1 Cor. 11:26-32)
(ii)                  Make out its Red Wine for dispatch to people who come for healing, in the name of the Blood of Jesus, (vs. 26-32)
(iii)                 Consecrated it for few privileged individuals in their private homes and weddings, since it is biblically a church
 affair,(vs. 26-32).

In conclusion, please note particularly that everything about the Holy Communion is in honour and glory of our Lord and Blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ, and anything short of this, definitely is the abuse of it. In this connection, let it be stated that Holy Communion should always be consecrated for the purpose for which the Lord instituted it, and nothing more..  BEWARE OF FALSE DOCTRINE!

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