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Devotional Text: Matt.28:1-10;Dan. 12:2
The foundation of every resurrection is the
Resurrection of our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, who HIMSELF, is the
Resurrection and Life, (John 11:25). Other resurrections which are specified in
the Holy Scripture include; the Resurrection of Life, for the saints, (Dan.
12:2) and the Resurrection of shame and contempt, for the sinners, (vs. 2),
which shows that there will be the rising of all the dead at the Last
Judgement. Resurrection, according to the New Webster’s Dictionary of the
English Language, international Edition, is “the act of rising again after
death” or bringing back into use”. By this, it becomes obvious that GOD will
definitely bring people back to life, as well as put them to use again, though
sinners will resurrect onto damnation.
the Resurrection and Life, (John 11:25)
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST is the
ground for all resurrections, (Matt. 28:1-10)
There is the resurrection of life, for the
righteous, (Dan. 12:2)
There is also the resurrection of shame and
contempt, for the unrighteous, (vs. 2)
The expression of the angel of the LORD, as
cited in the scriptural text of this lesson, which says ... “do not be afraid,
for I know that you seek JESUS who was crucified. He is not here, for He is
risen, as He said” ... (Matt. 28:5-6) authenticates the resurrection story of
our LORD and SAVIOUR, JESUS CHRIST, who is blessed forever. Of all the founders
of religious groups in history, none carries the message of empty tomb, except
JESUS CHRIST, the SON of the LIVING GOD, who is the founder of Christianity.
The founders of Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and every other founder of
religion who lived and died are still in their graves, but JESUS CHRIST, the
conquering SAVIOUR, died and resurrected, as He said (vs. 6). Biblically
speaking, HE destroyed death and brought life and immortality to light through
the gospel, *(2 Tim. 1:10). By this, therefore, this lesion asserts that the
Gospel of the Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST gives:
Life and not death (vs. 10)
The assurance of immortality after death,
(vs. 10)
Concrete evidence that JESUS CHRIST is the
Resurrection and life, (John 11:25)
The Resurrection of JESUS CHRIST marks Him
out as the first fruit of resurrection (1 Cor. 15:20), as well as consolidates
His claims as the Resurrection and Life, (John 11:25). Notice, also, that He
says ... “the hour is coming in which all who are in the grave will hear His
voice, and come forth –those who have done good, to the resurrection of life,
and those who have done evil to the resurrection of condemnation” (John
5:26-29). And, this solemn biblical truth, our brother and prophet Daniel
foretells, as he says, ... of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, some to shame and eeverlasting contempt”, (Dan.
12:2). Now, to those who do not believe in resurrection, the Apostle Paul says
... “if CHRIST is preached that He has been raised from the dead, how do some
among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead? But, if there is no
resurrection of the dead, then CHRIST is not risen. And, if CHRIST is not
risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty”... “For if
CHRIST is not risen, your faith is futile; ... and those who have fallen asleep
(or died) in CHRIST have perished”, (1 Cor. 15:12-18). This shows that:
The resurrection to everlasting life hinges
on faith in CHRIST and His resurrection, ( vs. 12-18)
Those who died without such faith will
resurrect to shame, contempt and condemnation, (Dan. 12:2; John 5:28-29)
“if only in this life we have hope in CHRIST,
we are of all men the most pitiable”, (1 Cor. 15:19)
In the words of Prophet Daniel, some of those who sleep (or are
buried) in the dust of the earth ....shall awake to shame and everlasting
contempt (Dan. 12:2) , as JESUS remarks that at His resurrection command, those
who have done evil will resurrect to condemnation, (John 5:28-29). But, how
does one escape if one neglects so great a salvation which at the first began
to be spoken by the LORD, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, (Heb.
2:3). It is biblicaally obvious that the main reason for the death and
resurrection of JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOUR is to save humankind from everlasting
condemnation (John 12:47), as “he who does not believes in Him is condemned already” ... (John 3:18). This simply shows that, there is no other escape
route. And, to believe that GOD would not punish evil doers in hell is to yield
to the deception of Satan. For, the wicked shall be turned into hell and the
nations that forget GOD”, (Psalm 9:17). Therefore, this lesson is a Gospel
Appeal that calls on everyone to choose:
What makes for resurrection to life, instead
of what leads to resurrection of shame and contempt, (Dan. 12:2)
Doing good, instead of doing evil which leads
to condemnation (John 5:28-29)
Not being condemned, but to be saved, (John
please reflect that this lesion vividly shows that there are two types of
resurrection for humankind, the first is the resurrection to everlasting life,
and the second is to shame and everlasting contempt, (Dan. 12:2), and that
one’s faith in CHRIST or otherwise determines the fate of one at the Last day,
(John 3:17-18; 5:28-29). THE CHOICE IS
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