Friday, 25 August 2017


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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Devotional Text: Rom. 12:1-2

According to the BBC English Dictionary, “to sacrifice an animal means to kill it as an offering to GOD or to a god”. This concept is expressed in the Holy Scripture by the Apostle Paul to show how believers in Christ are expected to get rid of every passion for sin, and in turn dedicate their lives to GOD in holiness and truth, against the backdrop of sacrilegious behaviour, which means to show disrespect towards something that is holy or towards something that should be respected. In keeping with the above, the Apostle urges the believer to offer their bodies as living sacrifices which should be holy and  pleasing to GOD, as he notes that this is the believers’ spiritual act of worship, (Rom. 12:1)

(1)       The believer as a living sacrifice must keep his body holy (vs. 1)
(2)       The believer must endeavour to maintain the live of holiness as a way of pleasing the LORD (vs. 1)
(3)       The believer should also be conscious of the biblical truth that presenting his body as a living sacrifice
 is his spiritual act of worship, and that anything otherwise, makes his worship worthless before GOD, (vs. 1)
(4)       The believer, equally should know that presenting his body as a living sacrifice means that the passion
 for sin must give way for holiness to reign in his life, (vs. 1)
The scriptural expression, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of GOD that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GOD... (Rom. 12:1) cites something very crucial in man-GOD relationship, as it rules out the possibility of the LORD identifying with unholy vessels. To this end, GOD’s WORD shows that... “You are the temple of GOD and that the SPIRIT of GOD dwells (or ought to dwell) in you” and stresses further that, “if anyone defiles the temple of GOD, GOD will destroy him. For the temple of GOD is holy, which temple you are”, (1 Cor. 3:16-17). In this connection, too, the Apostle Paul urges the believer to refrain from sexual immorality, which he notes as a major source of the defilement of the body, (1 Cor. 6:15:20). This, therefore, reveals that GOD:
(i)        Does not associate or work with anyone whose body carries the stains of immorality, (vs. 15-20)
(ii)      Wants us to separate ourselves from anything that could make us unclean before HIM, (2 Cor. 6:16-18)
(iii)     Desires that our bodies be always kept holy to enable HIS SPIRIT dwell in us, (1 Cor. 3:16-17)
One of the evidences that shows that one is a living sacrifice to GOD is when one’s life is not in conformity to the patterns of this world, (Rom. 12:1). Thus, the same Scripture says ... “do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” ... (vs. 2). The patterns of this world are both demonstrated in conduct and physical appearance. For instance, it is the pattern of this world to lie, steal, cheat, etc. (conduct) and equally, it is the pattern of this world to dress immodestly (Appearance), which the believer is enjoined to avoid, (see 1 John 2: 15-17). And, note that one’s conduct and appearance are indicative of the substance one is made of. For, by their fruit we shall know them,“(Matt. 7: 16-18). This implies that the life which is occupied by the SPIRIT of the LIVING GOD, will definitely produce the living substance that result in becoming a living sacrifice to the LORD, and when reverse is the case, dead substance(s) that results in dead sacrifice(s) becomes the routine in the affected life, (vs. 16-18). In line with the above, this lesson states that:
(i)        Conformity to the pattern of this world is ungodly, (Rom. 12:2; 1 John 2:15-17)
(ii)      One needs to be purged from every dead work to become a living sacrifice to GOD, (vs. 2; Heb. 9:14)
(iii)     Dead works, resulting sin, in conduct and appearance, in one’s life show that one is yet in the pattern
of this world, (vs. 2; Matt. 7:16-18)
Be sure that, it is not possible for one to know what is that good acceptable, and perfect WILL of GOD where one still conforms to this world, and is not transformed by the renewing of one’s mind, (Rom. 12:2 ). No doubt, this is the reason behind the urging of the believer to go for the renewing work of the HOLY SPIRIT, (vs. 2), since the un-renewed person cannot understand the things of the SPIRIT of GOD, (1 Cor. 2:14). To play down on the acceptable and perfect WILL of GOD for one’s life, is to sideline one’s route to success. For GOD’s WORD admonishes the believer to find out the WILL of GOD before embarking on a given venture, (James 4:13-15). Recall, also that JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR submitted to the WILL of the FATHER, when HE said, FATHER, not MY WILL, but your WILL be done”, (Matt. 26:39). In the same way, the believer is expected to find out the WILL of GOD for his life and pursue it. But, this is not possible when one is:
(i)        In conformity to the world, (Rom. 12:2)
(ii)      Not renewed in one’s mind, (vs. 2)
(iii)     Yet in one’s natural state, (1 Cor. 2:14)

In conclusion, please understand that one cannot be a living sacrifice to GOD where one lives in sin, since such a condition does not make for holy living, but shows that one still conforms to the pattern of this world, which makes renewal very important. THIS IS AN OPPORTUNITY!

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