Wednesday, 29 April 2020


1/19/17 - 1NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:
Presented by: Nightangale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Psalm 45:7;Heb. 1:9

            Oil of gladness, as the Holy Scripture reveals, is the anointing of the FATHER on the SON for the DIVINE qualities HE displays, in keeping with the ETERNAL COUNSEL of HIS HOLY WILL. According to Matthew Henry, “whatever CHRIST does, HE does none of HIS subjects any wrong, but gives redress to those who suffer wrong....HE loves to do righteousness, and hates to do wickedness”. Therefore, GOD, the FATHER, whom CHRIST, our BLESSED MEDIATOR refers to as HIS GOD (John20:17), anointed HIM with the “OIL OF GLADNESS” (Psalm 45:7), which is nothing else, but the HOLY SPIRIT and HIS BLESSED UNCTION, which our BLESSED LORD and SAVIOUR cited when HE says,...”the SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because HE HAS anointed ME to preach the GOSPEL to the poor. HE HAS sent ME, to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are oppressed”,(Luke4:18).
(1)       Oil of gladness is the blessed anointing of the SPIRIT of GOD on CHRIST JESUS,
HIS BLESSED SON,(Psalm 45:7;Luke 4:18)
(2)       Oil of gladness is only spiritually transferable by GOD, to the believer, in whose life CHRIST JESUS,
our BLESSED SAVIOUR dwells,(vs. 7;vs. 18)
(3)       Oil of gladness is never a physical oil that can be manufactured by men for domestic
 or religious uses,(vs. 7;vs. 18)
(4)       Oil of gladness is given to only those who love righteousness and hate wickedness
 or iniquity,(Psalm 45:7;Heb. 1:9)
Oil of gladness can only be bestowed on the platform of righteousness. Thus, the Holy Scripture says (because),”YOU LOVE righteousness and hate wickedness. Therefore, GOD, even YOUR GOD HAS anointed YOU with the OIL of GLADNESS more than your companions, (Psalm 45:7 NKJV). The WORD of GOD in focus is a reference to CHRIST JESUS our BLESSED LORD and SAVIOUR, whom, according to Matthew Henry, by THE HOLINESS of HIS LIFE, the MERIT of HIS DEATH, and the GREAT DESIGN of HIS GOSPEL, demonstrates the fact that HE loves righteousness. Furthermore, Matthew Henry cites that, the SPIRIT of GOD is here referred to as the OIL OF GLADNESS, because of the delight wherewith CHRIST was filled in carrying on HIS undertaking, HE was anointed with the SPIRIT, above all HIS fellows, that is, above all those that were anointed, whether priests or kings. And so, in recompense of what CHRIST JESUS our BLESSED LORD HAS done and suffered for the advancement of righteousness and the destruction of sin, GOD HAS anointed HIM with the OIL of GLADNESS, which hitherto has brought HIM to the place of honour and joy of HIS EXALTED POSITION. By this, therefore, this lesson states that the oil of gladness:
(i)                    Is the SPIRIT of GOD and not a physical oil, (Psalm 45:7;Luke 4:18)
(ii)                  Can only be bestowed on those who love and live in righteousness,( vs.7;vs.18)
(iii)                 Can only be earned through the righteousness imputed by CHRIST, and not by self-righteousness,(Rom. 10:4)
By the implication of GOD’S WORD, Cno wicked person is anointed by GOD or filled with HIS HOLY SPIRIT, as righteousness is just the nod for the bestowal of this sacred blessing, (Psalm 45:7;Luke4:18). So, the claim in some religious quarters that God may have anointed certain visibly wicked persons in the field of the gospel, may really be a ruse, or that they may, like Saul, the first king of Israel, have backslided, while in service, or may have been misinterpreted as wicked, since the verdict of GOD’S WORD is that, ‘because YOU love righteousness, and hate wickedness, GOD, even YOUR GOD (of righteousness) HAS anointed YOU with OIL of GLADNESS” (Psalm45:7), which, according to Matthew Henry, implies that, in order of the RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT of CHRIST, GOD HAS given HIM HIS SPIRIT, that DIVINE UNCTION, to qualify HIM for HIS work,(Isa.61:1). And, note that, those who practise wickedness are never in the Good Book or favour of the LORD, as HE hates the attitude of wickedness, but loves that of righteousness, which only, can warrant the gift of the oil of gladness,(Heb. 1:9). This really shows that:
(i)                    Wickedness is a hindrance to the oil of gladness,(Psalm 45:7)
(ii)                  One must really love righteousness and hate wickedness before one can obtain the oil of gladness,(vs. 7)
(iii)                 Oil of gladness is not for wicked engagements, but for righteous works,(vs. 7) 
The oil of gladness, which is the anointing of the SPIRIT, according to Matthew Henry, “denotes the POWER and GLORY to which CHRIST is exalted... as well as depicts the JOY that was set before HIM before the foundation of the world,(Heb12:2). HE (CHRIST) is anointed above all HIS fellows, that is, above all believers, who are HIS brethren, and partakers of the anointing, by measure or without measure” .And so, just as the righteousness of CHRIST is transferable to those who believe in HIM (Rom. 10:4), so is the oil of gladness or the anointing of HOLY SPIRIT or the SPIRIT HIMSELF, transferable to them, (1John 2:20:27). So, the believer, by the indwelling CHRIST, is anointed with the oil of gladness or the SPIRIT of GOD (vs. 20;27, and means that, as GOD anointed JESUS of NAZERETH, who went about doing good”...(Acts 10:38), the believer is created and anointed in CHRIST for good works(Eph.2:10). In this connection, this lesson re-affirms that:
(i)                    Every believer, by virtue of the indwelling CHRIST, has a measure of the oil of gladness,(Heb. 1:9)
 or the anointing of the SPIRIT(1Joho2:20;27)
(ii)                  The oil of gladness (Heb1:9), which is the anointing of the SPIRIT, is not a physical oil,
 but a spiritual unction,(1John 2:20;27)
(iii)                 The believer who desires the oil of gladness (Heb. 1:9) or the anointing of the SPIRIT (1John 2;20;27),
 must refrain from wickedness and, without option embrace righteousness,(Psalm 45:7).
In conclusion, oil of gladness is GOD’S anointing of the SPIRIT on CHRIST (Psalm45:7), which is transferable to the believer, (1John 2:20;27). This blessed oil abhors the persons of wickedness, but embraces the persons of righteousness,(Heb. 1:9), as it remains a supernatural unction, which the LORD our GREAT GOD alone offers, and never a physical oil, which certain deviants or enemies of the gospel manufacture and offer today, to the unsuspecting public, in the name of oil of gladness. DON’T BE DECEIVED!

Tuesday, 28 April 2020


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Prov.6:4-11
             Laziness is lack of interest and ability to work. The Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary in a definition implies that, “one is lazy, when one is not willing to work or make any effort. The implication, according to GOD’S HOLY WORD, is that, “lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth”,(Prov. 10:4 NIV). In furtherance, laziness delays a project, as well as destroys already established foundation. In the words of King Solomon, laziness delays a building and through idleness of hands, the house leaks”,(Eccl. 10:18), as he, equally, cites that, “diligent hands will rule, but laziness end in slave labour”,(Prov. 10:24).
(1)       Laziness brings poverty and backwardness in life,(Prov. 10:4)
(2)       Laziness brings deep sleep and sponsors hunger,(Prov. 19:15)
(3)       Laziness, equally, promotes idleness and lack,(vs. 15)
(4)       Laziness paralyzes, even one’s ability to eat, (Prov. 26:15)
             The Scripture...”if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his own house, he has denied the faith, and is worse than infidel (1Tim 5:8) is a stern fight against laziness in the family circle. We often assume the cited biblical injunction is exclusively directed to men, who are referred to as the bread winners of the family, but a closer look at the WORD shows, it is directed to the widow, who must take charge in the absence of the husband. Family up-keep is a collection responsibility of all the members of the family. For, just as it is said that, “the family that prays together, stays together”. So, the family that eat together must work together, for its up-keep, and so, there is no room for laziness. Everybody in the family has a role to play for its subsistence. The father, the mother, children, and even maids or servants are to work hard for the economic well-being of the family, as any lazy fellow in the system, definitely, constitutes a setback, just as the lazy individual, who GOD’S WORD describes as sluggard, carries the rebuke, “How long will you lie there, you sluggard? When will you get up from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of hands to rest, and poverty will come on you like a bandit and scarcity like an armed men”,(Prov. 6:9-11). By this, therefore, this lesson implies that, for the up-keep of the family:
(i)                    Every member of the family must work hard for its survival,(vs. 9-11)
(ii)                  Laziness should not be allowed to thrive in family, since poverty and scarcity reign in households
where laziness is not subdued,,(vs. 9-11)
(iii)                 Lazy individuals in family should always be rebuked and encouraged to work, to avoid
 economic pitfalls in family,(vs. 9-11)
            By way of definition, a community is a people living in one particular place or district, as development is when someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced. And, for community to really develop, its inhabitants must grow in skills, as well as cultivate the drive for hard-work. Therefore, a community goes economically down, when the workforce is not meaningfully engaged, for the fact of unchecked propensity of laziness. For, laziness brings on deep sleep, and the shiftless person goes hungry,(Prov. 19:15). In the words of Matthew Henry, laziness, “stupefies men, and makes them senseless and mindless of their own affairs, as they are cast into deep sleep, dreaming much, but doing nothing. Slothful people doze away their time, bury their talents, live a useless life, and are the unprofitable burdens of the earth”...Does the foregoing depict your life, or the life of someone in your community? Then, the time to change, and help others change, is now. In line with the above, let it be stated that the community:
(i)                    Needs to engage industrious men, like Jeroboam to man their labour force for development,(1Kings 11:18)
(ii)                  Never develops where lazy men are in charge of their labour force,(vs. 18)
(iii)                 Should not allow lazy individuals roam their streets, as this will slowdown  their development,(Prov.28:19)
Old age is critical to a lazy fellow. Thus, the Scripture admonishes that the lazy individual should learn from the ant, when it says, “Go to the ant, you sluggard! Consider her ways and be wise, which, having no captain, overseer or ruler, provides her supplies in the summer. And gather her food in the harvest”...(Prov. 6:6-8), which may mean that people should in their days of strength work for their days of weakness. But, the lazy fellow is known for wasting his time and energy all through his life, to complain later or blame people he  should not blame for his woes. Youthful age is the time to work and plan for old age. Civil and public servants count on their retirement benefits, from governments or the establishment they served during their days of strength, as those in private sectors should, by this, learn to plan to put in place what to fall back to when they become old, if they have not done so. Churches which have no retirement scheme for their workforce should now endeavour to do something to this end. For, it is evil to use people at their youthful age, without a measure of comfort for them when they grow old. However, in all our preparations for old age, laziness should not be encouraged. This means that:
(i)                    Everybody, like the ant, should work hard, at the youthful age, in preparation for old age,(Prov. 6:6-8)
(ii)                  Old age is never pleasant, if something to fall back to is not put in place, at youthful age,(vs. 4-11)
(iii)                 Energy wasted at youthful age, may be regretted at old age, but will never be regained,
Nor can the lost benefits be recovered,(vs. 4-11).
  In conclusion, this lesson appears to have solely concentrated on physical laziness. But, there are, also, “Intellectual Laziness” (the inability to do intellectual work), “Spiritual Laziness”(lack of strength for spiritual activities), and a host of others. However, whatever may be the case, the simple truth remains that, GOD and man hate laziness, as it is an element of setback in family and society. PLEASE, KEEP AWAY FROM LAZINESS!


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:
Informal Training of the Child
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Prov. 22:6
          Every child requires series of training that equip them for adulthood. They basically need training in four dimensions of their lives, namely; the spiritual dimension, the social dimension, the intellectual dimension and the domestic dimension. The spiritual training of the child focuses on leading him to the right knowledge and relationship with GOD, as his social training is geared towards teaching him how he could relate with his fellow human beings in the fear of GOD. In the intellectual training of the child, he is given some degree of mental skills, in preparatory to what he would meet in school, as his domestic training prepares him for household chores and routines for family life. All these, which are deducible from the account of the WORD of GOD in the Book of Leviticus chapters 19 and 20, are the fundamental informal training which every parent owes as DIVINE duty to their children and society, which will definitely earn them reward, if they do well, and punishment, if they do otherwise.
(1)       It is GOD’S directive that parents should train up their children in the way they should go, (Prov. 22;6)
(2)       This implies that they should lead them into GOD’S way of righteousness and holiness,(vs 6)
(3)       They should equally teach them the ideals of respect to parents and other members of the society,(vs 6)
(4)       Parents, by the same directive, should train up their children in good family and community routines,(vs 6)

The background training of fathers to their children is “to bring them up in the training and admonition of the LORD, (Eph. 6:4). Father Abraham stands out as a shining example in godly instruction for his children, as the LORD, our GREAT GOD testifies of him, when HE says, “For I have known him, in order that he will command his children, and his household after him that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and justice”...(Gen. 18:19). In the words of Matthew Henry, the instruction, “train up a child in the way he should go”... (Prov. 22:6) is a great duty enjoined, particularly, to those that are the parents and instructors of children, for the propagation of wisdom, so that their wisdom does not die with them. To this end, he remarks further that, children, at the age of vanity or the foundation learning period of their lives, should be trained up by their fathers, to keep them from the sins and snares of it, in order to prepare them for what they are designed for,(vs 6). Fathers, therefore, should keep their children under discipline, but should not provoke them to anger (Eph. 6:4), as well as teach them the WORD of GOD (Deut. 6:6-7), so that, when they grow up or become old, they will not deviate from it, (Prov. 22:6).  In this connection, this lesson notes that:
(i)                    Good fatherly training or impressions on children abide in them all the days of their lives,(vs 6)
(ii)                  Fathers’ early training of the child is the basic regurgitating point in the life of the child,(vs 6)
(iii)                 Though, some, like Solomon, may deviate from the early training or impressions of their fathers,
(vs 6), it is, however, believed that, the early training of the child may be a means of them recovering
themselves, as Solomon is believed to have done,(vs 6).

Fathers are not alone in the training of the child, as mothers, by DIVINE mandate, also, play vital role, to this effect. Thus, the Holy Scripture cites “the words of King Lemuel, the utterance which his mother taught him, when she says ... Do not give your strength to women. Nor your way to that which destroys kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel, to drink wine. Not for princes intoxicating drinks, lest they drink and forget the law, or pervert the justice of the afflicted”,(Prov. 31:1-5), as a worthy example of the role mothers should play alongside their husbands in training up the child in the way they should go, (Prov. 22:6).
In training up the child, there should not be discordant notes from fathers and mothers, as the menu for their training should come from one source, which is the WORD of GOD(Deut 6-7), with one objective, that is, showing them the way of the LORD,(Prov. 22:6). And, where there is no agreement between the male and female parents, in the training of the child, there can hardly be any measure of success in the exercise. Here, this lesson appeals to common knowledge and experiences in society. Therefore, mothers should:
(i)                    Learn to play their role well in the training of the child,(Prov. 31:1-7)
(ii)                  Equally, as the father, they should base their training of the child on the WORD of GOD,(Deut. 6:1-25)
(iii)                 Have one objective with the fathers in the training of the child, that is, having them
grow up in the way of the LORD,(Prov,22:6)

The role of Miriam, the elder sister of Moses, during his childhood, is a strong indicator that older siblings have a role to play in child training,(Ex. 2:1-10). From different cultures of the world, as well, it is a glaring fact that older siblings play great roles in child training, even when their parents are alive, but do more when they are dead. And, pointing to Miriam does not make the role peculiar to female folks, as male siblings are equally strong in the duty. Older siblings, by DIVINE mandate, are household auxiliary instructors, assisting parents in the transmission of godly morals to the younger ones in the family, with the singular aim of training up the child in the way he should go,(Prov.22:6). This is, however, purely in an ideal situation, where older siblings in family have absorbed the teachings of the WORD of GOD, and, like their parents determine to pass same to the new breeds of the family. And, where the reverse is the case, the opposite becomes the obvious. On this note, also, this lesson again, appeals to common knowledge and experiences in society. But, the Christian family should experience a positive process in child training. With the foregoing in mind, let it be stated that older siblings should:
(1)       Like Miriam assist their parents as care-givers and trainers of the younger ones in family,(Ex. 2:1-10)
(2)       Look for ways the new breeds of the family could be assisted and trained in times of need,(vs 1-10)
(3)       Equally, help their parents in teaching GOD’S WORD to the growing members of the family,
as a way of showing them GOD’S acceptable standard of life,( Deut. 6:6-7).
                    In conclusion, this lesson has biblically shown that the training of the child is a DIVINE mandate (Prov. 22:6), and that the family is the starting point for this sacred assignment (Eph 6:4), as GOD’S WORD remains the menu for the exercise,(Deut. 6:6-7). The lesson, also, shows that parent; fathers and mothers, as well as their older children are stakeholders in the project, and so, must join forces in training the child, to the glory of GOD. PLEASE, BE PART OF THE TRAINING!


waec.jpgNCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:
Formal Training of the Child
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Prov. 22:6
           The formal training of the child is the school education, and parents, at this stage of child training, should be careful as to where their children obtain this training. The definition which shows that training is, “the process of learning the skills one needs to do a particular job or activity, readily suits school education. However, it is important to highlight here that certain schools do not make public some items of their curricula, designed for indoctrination, which may not agree with the aspirations of parents and family. Therefore, parents and other care-givers are, by this, enjoined to monitor the observable changes in their children as they enrol them in schools, to ascertain if they are desirable or not.
(1)       The school education of the child is one of the duties parents owe their children by DIVINE mandate,(Prov.22:6)
(2)       This dimension of child training still carries the DIVINE directive, “train up a child in the way he should go”(vs 6)
(3)     With the DIVINE directive in mind, parents should ensure that their children attend schools that would build on
the cited DIVINE objective,(vs 6)
(4)     Parents should be proactive, and should quickly withdraw their children from schools which have different
          objective from what our LORD GOD says they should have,(vs 6)

Formal education in Nigeria begins at 0-3 years, for nursery education, and 0-6 years, for primary education. These are periods in the child’s life when the family begins to share the training duties of the child with the state, mission or private schools. In some places, the nursery-primary education of the child is compulsory at the state schools, whereas, in some other places the job is shared among the state, mission and privately owned schools. This is where the problem sets in, as the state which is purely a secular one, by their objective, will definitely present the child with certain beliefs and principles that may be against the ideals and faith of the family. And, if the child is sent to certain mission or private schools unchecked, he may find himself in places where godless school proprietors and operatives hold sway, thereby endangering the true faith of the child. To this end, godly parents, who want their children to remain godly, are by this, advised to always cross-examine the curricula and extra-curricula activities of the schools they wish to engage their kids, to see if they tally with the tenets of GOD’S WORD, as enshrined in the book of Leviticus chapters 19 and 20, and other passages of the Holy Scripture. Therefore, the DIVINE directive, “train up a child in the way he should go” (Prov.22:6), involves:
(i)                    Ensuring that everything the child studies in the process of his education is not in violation
 of GOD’S WORD, (vs 6;Deut. 6:6-7)
(ii)                  Helping the child maintain his godly faith in CHRIST JESUS, our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR, so that
 his school education does not become a snare against his faith and the aspirations of his family,(vs 6;6-7)
(iii)                 Continuing the godly exercise of bringing them up in the training and admonition of the LORD, while
 in school,(Eph. 6:4B)

Godly parents should not just be concerned with the intellectual performances of their kids, while in school, but should, as well, pay attention to what goes on in their spiritual lives. Here, the evaluation of the educational output, as it concerns the child is, indeed, necessary, and should be concrete, since the training of the child is the primary assignment given to parents by GOD(Prov.22:6), as schools are only employed to complement their efforts, and should not be allowed to destroy the goal which the LORD, our GREAT GOD, targets for them, as family heads,(vs. 6). For your information, good schools are not known for indoctrination, but are known for objective presentation of the approved module courses, which are the stuff of every school; public or private. But, common knowledge shows that some schools indoctrinate pupils into beliefs and principles that are not central to the biblical faith, and this, godly parents should wisely find out, for necessary action, before it becomes too late. Furthermore, be informed that some schools; public or private, are better referred to as citadels of corrupt and godless pupils, who negatively influence the godly ones in the process of their education. This, often may be as a result of the moral laxity associated with the management or leadership of the school. This, also, should be checked, if the godly aspirations of parents must be achieved, as all efforts are geared towards ascertaining if the spiritual life of the child is what it used to be, before his enrolment in the school or if there are any negative or positive changes, at the time of assessment. Based on the foregoing, this lesson opines that:
(i)              It is the duty of godly parents to find out if their children in school still maintain or achieve more of the godly
 ideals of the family or have joined bad companies,(1 Cor. 15:33-34)
     (ii)           Schools which harbour unchecked corrupt and godless pupils can be places for the destruction of the godly
                     seeds planted in the lives of kids before their enrolment,(vs. 33-34)
     (iii)          High academic achievement of a child in school, at the expense of his moral or godly life, is a step to the total
                     destruction of the child,(Mark 8:36-37).

In conclusion, please, reflect that formal education of the child, especially at his formative age, nursery or primary, should achieve two basic things, namely; the laying of a solid academic foundation for the child, as well as building or improving on his moral life, irrespective of his background before enrolment. And, something is definitely wrong, where these are not simultaneously achieved, PLEASE, MAKE SURE YOUR CHILD GETS A BALANCED EDUCATION!