NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip,
BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Informal Training of the Child
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Prov. 22:6
Every child
requires series of training that equip them for adulthood. They basically need
training in four dimensions of their lives, namely; the spiritual dimension,
the social dimension, the intellectual dimension and the domestic dimension. The
spiritual training of the child focuses on leading him to the right knowledge
and relationship with GOD, as his social training is geared towards teaching
him how he could relate with his fellow human beings in the fear of GOD. In the
intellectual training of the child, he is given some degree of mental skills,
in preparatory to what he would meet in school, as his domestic training
prepares him for household chores and routines for family life. All these,
which are deducible from the account of the WORD of GOD in the Book of
Leviticus chapters 19 and 20, are the fundamental informal training which every
parent owes as DIVINE duty to their children and society, which will definitely
earn them reward, if they do well, and punishment, if they do otherwise.
It is GOD’S
directive that parents should train up their children in the way they should
go, (Prov. 22;6)
This implies
that they should lead them into GOD’S way of righteousness and holiness,(vs 6)
They should
equally teach them the ideals of respect to parents and other members of the
society,(vs 6)
Parents, by
the same directive, should train up their children in good family and community
routines,(vs 6)
The background training of fathers to their
children is “to bring them up in the training and admonition of the LORD, (Eph.
6:4). Father Abraham stands out as a shining example in godly instruction for
his children, as the LORD, our GREAT GOD testifies of him, when HE says, “For I
have known him, in order that he will command his children, and his household
after him that they keep the way of the LORD, to do righteousness and
justice”...(Gen. 18:19). In the words of Matthew Henry, the instruction, “train
up a child in the way he should go”... (Prov. 22:6) is a great duty enjoined,
particularly, to those that are the parents and instructors of children, for
the propagation of wisdom, so that their wisdom does not die with them. To this
end, he remarks further that, children, at the age of vanity or the foundation
learning period of their lives, should be trained up by their fathers, to keep
them from the sins and snares of it, in order to prepare them for what they are
designed for,(vs 6). Fathers, therefore, should keep their children under
discipline, but should not provoke them to anger (Eph. 6:4), as well as teach
them the WORD of GOD (Deut. 6:6-7), so that, when they grow up or become old,
they will not deviate from it, (Prov. 22:6).
In this connection, this lesson notes that:
fatherly training or impressions on children abide in them all the days of
their lives,(vs 6)
early training of the child is the basic regurgitating point in the life of the
child,(vs 6)
some, like Solomon, may deviate from the early training or impressions of their
6), it is, however, believed that, the early training of the child may be a
means of them recovering
as Solomon is believed to have done,(vs 6).
Fathers are not alone in the training of the
child, as mothers, by DIVINE mandate, also, play vital role, to this effect.
Thus, the Holy Scripture cites “the words of King Lemuel, the utterance which
his mother taught him, when she says ... Do not give your strength to women.
Nor your way to that which destroys kings. It is not for kings, O Lemuel, to
drink wine. Not for princes intoxicating drinks, lest they drink and forget the
law, or pervert the justice of the afflicted”,(Prov. 31:1-5), as a worthy
example of the role mothers should play alongside their husbands in training up
the child in the way they should go, (Prov. 22:6).
In training up the child, there should not be
discordant notes from fathers and mothers, as the menu for their training
should come from one source, which is the WORD of GOD(Deut 6-7), with one
objective, that is, showing them the way of the LORD,(Prov. 22:6). And, where
there is no agreement between the male and female parents, in the training of
the child, there can hardly be any measure of success in the exercise. Here,
this lesson appeals to common knowledge and experiences in society. Therefore,
mothers should:
Learn to
play their role well in the training of the child,(Prov. 31:1-7)
Equally, as
the father, they should base their training of the child on the WORD of
GOD,(Deut. 6:1-25)
Have one
objective with the fathers in the training of the child, that is, having them
up in the way of the LORD,(Prov,22:6)
The role of Miriam, the elder sister of
Moses, during his childhood, is a strong indicator that older siblings have a
role to play in child training,(Ex. 2:1-10). From different cultures of the
world, as well, it is a glaring fact that older siblings play great roles in
child training, even when their parents are alive, but do more when they are
dead. And, pointing to Miriam does not make the role peculiar to female folks,
as male siblings are equally strong in the duty. Older siblings, by DIVINE
mandate, are household auxiliary instructors, assisting parents in the
transmission of godly morals to the younger ones in the family, with the
singular aim of training up the child in the way he should go,(Prov.22:6). This
is, however, purely in an ideal situation, where older siblings in family have
absorbed the teachings of the WORD of GOD, and, like their parents determine to
pass same to the new breeds of the family. And, where the reverse is the case,
the opposite becomes the obvious. On this note, also, this lesson again,
appeals to common knowledge and experiences in society. But, the Christian
family should experience a positive process in child training. With the
foregoing in mind, let it be stated that older siblings should:
Like Miriam
assist their parents as care-givers and trainers of the younger ones in
family,(Ex. 2:1-10)
Look for
ways the new breeds of the family could be assisted and trained in times of
need,(vs 1-10)
help their parents in teaching GOD’S WORD to the growing members of the family,
as a way of showing them GOD’S acceptable
standard of life,( Deut. 6:6-7).
In conclusion, this lesson has biblically shown that the
training of the child is a DIVINE mandate (Prov. 22:6), and that the family is
the starting point for this sacred assignment (Eph 6:4), as GOD’S WORD remains
the menu for the exercise,(Deut. 6:6-7). The lesson, also, shows that parent;
fathers and mothers, as well as their older children are stakeholders in the
project, and so, must join forces in training the child, to the glory of GOD. PLEASE, BE PART OF THE TRAINING!
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