by: Nightangale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: Psalm
45:7;Heb. 1:9
Oil of gladness,
as the Holy Scripture reveals, is the anointing of the FATHER on the SON for
the DIVINE qualities HE displays, in keeping with the ETERNAL COUNSEL of HIS
HOLY WILL. According to Matthew Henry, “whatever CHRIST does, HE does none of
HIS subjects any wrong, but gives redress to those who suffer wrong....HE loves
to do righteousness, and hates to do wickedness”. Therefore, GOD, the FATHER,
whom CHRIST, our BLESSED MEDIATOR refers to as HIS GOD (John20:17), anointed
HIM with the “OIL OF GLADNESS” (Psalm 45:7), which is nothing else, but the
when HE says,...”the SPIRIT of the LORD is upon ME, because HE HAS anointed ME
to preach the GOSPEL to the poor. HE HAS sent ME, to heal the broken-hearted,
to proclaim liberty to the blind, and to set at liberty those who are
Oil of
gladness is the blessed anointing of the SPIRIT of GOD on CHRIST JESUS,
HIS BLESSED SON,(Psalm 45:7;Luke 4:18)
Oil of
gladness is only spiritually transferable by GOD, to the believer, in whose
our BLESSED SAVIOUR dwells,(vs. 7;vs. 18)
Oil of
gladness is never a physical oil that can be manufactured by men for domestic
religious uses,(vs. 7;vs. 18)
Oil of
gladness is given to only those who love righteousness and hate wickedness
iniquity,(Psalm 45:7;Heb. 1:9)
Oil of gladness can only be bestowed on the
platform of righteousness. Thus, the Holy Scripture says (because),”YOU LOVE
righteousness and hate wickedness. Therefore, GOD, even YOUR GOD HAS anointed
YOU with the OIL of GLADNESS more than your companions, (Psalm 45:7 NKJV). The
WORD of GOD in focus is a reference to CHRIST JESUS our BLESSED LORD and
SAVIOUR, whom, according to Matthew Henry, by THE HOLINESS of HIS LIFE, the
MERIT of HIS DEATH, and the GREAT DESIGN of HIS GOSPEL, demonstrates the fact
that HE loves righteousness. Furthermore, Matthew Henry cites that, the SPIRIT
of GOD is here referred to as the OIL OF GLADNESS, because of the delight
wherewith CHRIST was filled in carrying on HIS undertaking, HE was anointed
with the SPIRIT, above all HIS fellows, that is, above all those that were
anointed, whether priests or kings. And so, in recompense of what CHRIST JESUS
our BLESSED LORD HAS done and suffered for the advancement of righteousness and
the destruction of sin, GOD HAS anointed HIM with the OIL of GLADNESS, which
hitherto has brought HIM to the place of honour and joy of HIS EXALTED
POSITION. By this, therefore, this lesson states that the oil of gladness:
Is the
SPIRIT of GOD and not a physical oil, (Psalm 45:7;Luke 4:18)
Can only be
bestowed on those who love and live in righteousness,( vs.7;vs.18)
Can only be
earned through the righteousness imputed by CHRIST, and not by
self-righteousness,(Rom. 10:4)
By the implication of GOD’S WORD, Cno wicked
person is anointed by GOD or filled with HIS HOLY SPIRIT, as righteousness is
just the nod for the bestowal of
this sacred blessing, (Psalm 45:7;Luke4:18). So, the claim in some religious
quarters that God may have anointed certain visibly wicked persons in the field
of the gospel, may really be a ruse, or that they may, like Saul, the first
king of Israel, have backslided, while in service, or may have been
misinterpreted as wicked, since the verdict of GOD’S WORD is that, ‘because YOU
love righteousness, and hate wickedness, GOD, even YOUR GOD (of righteousness)
HAS anointed YOU with OIL of GLADNESS” (Psalm45:7), which, according to Matthew
Henry, implies that, in order of the RIGHTEOUS GOVERNMENT of CHRIST, GOD HAS
given HIM HIS SPIRIT, that DIVINE UNCTION, to qualify HIM for HIS
work,(Isa.61:1). And, note that, those who practise wickedness are never in the
Good Book or favour of the LORD, as HE hates the attitude of wickedness, but
loves that of righteousness, which only, can warrant the gift of the oil of
gladness,(Heb. 1:9). This really shows that:
is a hindrance to the oil of gladness,(Psalm 45:7)
One must
really love righteousness and hate wickedness before one can obtain the oil of
gladness,(vs. 7)
Oil of
gladness is not for wicked engagements, but for righteous works,(vs. 7)
The oil of gladness, which is the anointing
of the SPIRIT, according to Matthew Henry, “denotes the POWER and GLORY to
which CHRIST is exalted... as well as depicts the JOY that was set before HIM
before the foundation of the world,(Heb12:2). HE (CHRIST) is anointed above all
HIS fellows, that is, above all believers, who are HIS brethren, and partakers
of the anointing, by measure or without measure” .And so, just as the
righteousness of CHRIST is transferable to those who believe in HIM (Rom.
10:4), so is the oil of gladness or the anointing of HOLY SPIRIT or the SPIRIT
HIMSELF, transferable to them, (1John 2:20:27). So, the believer, by the
indwelling CHRIST, is anointed with the oil of gladness or the SPIRIT of GOD
(vs. 20;27, and means that, as GOD anointed JESUS of NAZERETH, who went about
doing good”...(Acts 10:38), the believer is created and anointed in CHRIST for
good works(Eph.2:10). In this connection, this lesson re-affirms that:
believer, by virtue of the indwelling CHRIST, has a measure of the oil of
gladness,(Heb. 1:9)
or the anointing of the SPIRIT(1Joho2:20;27)
The oil of
gladness (Heb1:9), which is the anointing of the SPIRIT, is not a physical oil,
but a spiritual unction,(1John 2:20;27)
The believer
who desires the oil of gladness (Heb. 1:9) or the anointing of the SPIRIT
(1John 2;20;27),
must refrain from wickedness and, without
option embrace righteousness,(Psalm 45:7).
conclusion, oil of
gladness is GOD’S anointing of the SPIRIT on CHRIST (Psalm45:7), which is
transferable to the believer, (1John 2:20;27). This blessed oil abhors the
persons of wickedness, but embraces the persons of righteousness,(Heb. 1:9), as
it remains a supernatural unction, which the LORD our GREAT GOD alone offers,
and never a physical oil, which certain deviants or enemies of the gospel
manufacture and offer today, to the unsuspecting public, in the name of oil of
gladness. DON’T BE DECEIVED!
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