Tuesday, 28 April 2020


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail: professorbenonyeukwu@yahoo.com
Presented by: Nightengale Ben-Onyeukwu
Devotional Text: 1 Cor. 7:8-11
               By way of definition, “celibacy” is a state in life where one chooses to remain unmarried, as well as abstain from sexual intercourse. Celibacy is practised by Christians and non-Christians, and both the clergy and the laity are involved. For instance, in Hindu culture, celibacy is observed when a young child leads a student life, as the rule of celibacy in the Buddhist religion has a long history, and was advocated as an ideal rule of life for all monks and nuns by Guatama. But, Islam does not promote celibacy, rather, it promotes marriage. However, there are now traces of voluntary celibacy in the Islamic world, among both men and women, and has recently become more frequent.
(1)       Some are born with the gift of celibacy, {Matt. 19:11-12}
(2)       Some others make themselves celibates for the sake of the kingdom of GOD, {vs. 12}
(3)       There are also those who are made celibates by men, {vs. 12}
(4)       Celibacy is not compulsory, but for only those who can accept it, {vs. 12}
Celibacy is said to be a state in life where one chooses to remain unmarried, as well as abstain from sexual intercourse. But, from every indication, celibacy is practiced, at one stage or the other, in the lives of those who have a decision to abstain from sexual intercourse, inside or outside marriage. For, when someone is not married, but decides to abstain from sexual relationship, such an individual adopts a life of celibacy, and, by so doing, becomes a celibate. And, when such a person gets married, he leaves the life of celibacy to a married life. However, if, by the advent of death, such a fellow loses his life partner and chooses to live without sexual intercourse, he definitely returns to a life of celibacy, but still has the liberty to remarry, if he decides or given the opportunity. Furthermore, when someone in marriage has an issue with the life partner, and decides to stay apart or separate from the partner, but not divorced, as well as decides to stay out of sexuality, such an individual, by so doing, re-adopts a life of celibacy. This is the reason why the Apostle Paul says, “to the unmarried and the widows, it is good for them if they remain even as I am,” {suggesting that the apostle may have been a widower or unmarried or separated from his partner} but if they cannot exercise self-control, let them marry. For, it is better to marry than to burn with {sexual} passion, {1 Cor. 7:8-9}. And so, biblically speaking,, celibacy is recommended  to:
(i)                    The unmarried believer in the Christian faith, {vs. 8-9}
(ii)                  The widow or widower who may decide not to remarry, {vs. 8-9}
(iii)                 Everyone who may choose to adopt it, but, it is not compulsory, {vs. 8-9}
        Divorce is never treated with levity in the SIGHT of GOD, for the LORD hates divorce {Mal. 2:16}.  But, if it occurs, the divorcee is enjoined to remain unmarried or be reconciled to his life partner. And, since, according to JESUSE CHRIST  our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR, sexual intercourse at the point of divorce is adultery {Matt. 5:32}, the divorcee has no choice, if he wants to remain in the GOOD BOOK of the LORD, than to adopt the life of celibacy, by abstaining from sexual intercourse. To this end, the Apostle Paul says ... to the married, I command, yet not I, but the LORD. A wife is not to depart from her husband. But, if she separates, let her remain unmarried or be reconciled to her husband. And a husband is not to divorce his wife,” {1 Cor. 7:10-11}. This shows that a divorcee is guilty before the LORD GOD of heaven and earth, if he fails to adopt the life of celibacy, pending the time he reconciles with his life partner, {vs. 11}. In keeping with the foregoing, therefore, a woman or a man who has issues with life partner should consider the gravity of the temptation of adultery and its consequences before GOD, before a decision to stay out of marriage. Here, it becomes proper that one:
(i)        Who decides to separate from one’s life partner, must take to a life of celibacy,
or be prepared to face the damnation of adultery, {Rev. 21:8}
(ii)      Must reconcile with one’s estranged partner, where one finds it difficult to cope with
 a life of celibacy, to avoid the consequences of adultery, {1 Cor. 7:10-11}
(iii)     Should understand that celibacy as a result of misgivings in marriage is not the best, but reconciliation is, (vs. 10-11}
The Bible does not propagate compulsory celibacy for the ministers of GOD, but says, a minister; bishop or deacon, must be blameless, the husband of one wife...” {1 Tim. 3:2; 12}. Even, the statement of JESUS CHRIST our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR, in the Gospel of Matthew, shows that celibates {eunuchs} made by men are not for sanctuary work, but for secular services, like the Ethiopian Eunuch in Acts 8:27, as those born into it, and those who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom, like in the case of sanctuary services in Isaiah 56:4, are done by the sovereign act of GOD and personal volition, and not a compulsory thing, since He admonishes also, that, “He who is able to accept it, should do so, {Matt. 19:12}. In furtherance, the Apostle Paul, also, highlights that celibacy, from a general point of view, is not compulsory, when he says, “But, I say to the unmarried and to the widows, it is good for them if they remain even as I am; but  if they cannot exercise self-control, let the marry. For, it is better to marry than to burn with passion,” {1 Cor. 7:8-9}, as he kicks against the doctrine that forbids people from getting married, {1 Tim. 4:1-3}. So, forced celibacy for ministers of GOD, as in the case of the Catholic Church, for their priests, is man-made and alien to biblical Christianity, and, therefore, should be avoided {vs. 1-3}. In all, let it be noted that:
(i)                    Celibacy is not compulsory for the ministers of GOD, {1 Cor. 7:8-9}
(ii)                  Ministers of GOD should be allowed to choose to marry or not,{vs. 8-9}
(iii)                 If a minister of GOD  chooses to marry, he should marry, but one wife, {1 Tim. 3:2;12}
In conclusion, let it be noted that celibacy may be required at various stages in life, as situation calls, as the unmarried, separated, divorced, ministers or lay persons can willingly choose to adopt it, since the Holy Scripture does not say, it is compulsory, but shows it is a way of consecration which one may choose for oneself, if one so desires. HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT! Chu

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