NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip,
BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Presented by: Nightangale Ben-Onyeukwu
Text: Matt. 15:1-9
By way of
definition, a ‘tradition’ is people’s cultural ways of doing things, which,
also, is a gift from GOD, designed to serve good purposes, as well as promotes
behavioural harmony in society. According to the New Webster’s Dictionary of the
English Language, a tradition is a cultural continuity transmitted in form of
social attitudes, beliefs, principles and conventions of behaviour... But, when
a tradition becomes alien to the WORD of GOD, it becomes everything
undesirable. In the scriptural text of this lesson, JESUS CHRIST our BLESSED
LORD and GREAT KING observes that the Jewish scribes and the Pharisee religious
group of HIS days put their tradition above the WORD of GOD, as HE remarks that
they ...”made the commandment of GOD of
none effect by their tradition”,(Matt. 15:6).
Nowadays, too,
many countries of the world frame their constitutions from traditions contrary
to the WORD of WORD, instead of striking a harmony. Also, the cultural ethoses
which govern the institutions, religions, philosophies and pattern of thought
of most communities in today’s world are designed to breech the WORD of GOD.
For instance, it is the verdict of the HOLY WORD of GOD that gay marriage is
evil, but the constitutions of most countries of the world uphold the legality
of such a scripturally condemned abomination. And, in most present day
communities, their biblical rules of
marriage, cultural festivities and ways of behaviour are clearly stipulated in
violation of the Holy Scripture, thus, making the WORD of GOD of none effect in
their domains.
As a people
under the covenant of GOD, the LORD expected the Pharisees to have framed their
in line with HIS WORD,(Matt. 15:1-6)
As the GOD
of all nations and ages, HE still expects peoples of all countries of the world
to frame their tradition
keeping with the tenets of HIS WORD,(vs1-6)
of universe constantly frowns at every tradition in the world which is not
in keeping with HIS HOLY WORD,(vs. 1-6)
country or nation, community or institution, in the world which frame their
tradition in violation
of GOD’S WORD stands the risk of eternal
damnation,(Psalm 17:9)
Human tradition is a good gift, as well as a
blessing from GOD, the GREAT LORD of Heaven and Earth. But, just as Satan, the
man of sin, polluted everything on earth, human tradition was corrupted in the
same order. Human tradition was given to transmit a holy social order,
attitudes, beliefs, principles, and conventions of behaviour that would promote
the Glory of GOD in human society which the Law of Moses was designed to
restore, since, by the advent of sin, every human tradition was adversely
affected. Even, the Jewish community which was chosen and set apart by GOD, to
serve as a holy model for social order, was again drawn into the mess of
traditional pollution, which compromised the WORD of GOD, in favour of human
tradition, {Mat. 15:6}. This, by the verdict of our LORD and BLESSED SAVIOUR,
JESUS CHRIST, becomes understandably correct that human tradition:
Should not
contradict the WORD of OGD, {vs. 6}
Should not
be obeyed or adhered to, where it contradicts the WORD of GOD, {vs. 6}
Becomes a
curse, instead of the blessing GOD intends it to be, where it contradicts the
WORD of GOD, {vs. 6}
Human society is known for clear violation of
GOD’s HOLY STANDARDS, by means of tradition, everywhere, in the world, which
they showcase through festivals, folklore, religion, education and general
cultural behaviour. And, it is obvious that the constitutions of most societies
on earth, written or unwritten, and code of conduct reflects this truth. Today,
in some communities, GOD’S blessings of agricultural produce attract festivals
in honour of gods of the land, instead of praises to the GOD of Heaven and
Earth, as in some countries, legislations that promote outright prohibition of
the use of GOD’S Holy Book, the Bible or
compromised truth of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, the SON of the LIVING GOD hold
sway, as in the case of China, where churches are demolished, and Bible
confiscated, by the regime of Xi Linping, as a way of stopping the Christian
Faith, which is a determination to set aside GOD’S HOLY STANDARDS in that region
of the world. Similarly, before the restoration of the Student Public Prayer in
the United States public schools, on January 16 2020, by President Donald
Trump, the Supreme Court of that country had on June 17, 1963 placed a ban on sponsored
prayer and Bible readings in their public schools, which is better described as
a ban on GOD and faith. The list is endless! But, be sure you:
Do not
become a party to any legislation that violates the WORD OF GOD in your country
or community
in the name of tradition, {Matt.15:6}
Say no, when
men try to force you into any tradition that betrays GOD and his HOLY WORD, {Acts 5:29}
Shun any
festival or ceremony that honour the gods of the land, instead of the Almighty
GOD, {Ex. 20:3}
Human traditions are always at variance with
GOD’S WORD and Christian faith, anywhere, in the world, for the fact that they
are often framed from the vantage of the depraved nature of the unredeemed
mankind, who do not consider GOD in their affairs, or think of the implication
of dying a Christ-less death. Furthermore, human tradition which is also
defined as, “a belief, principle, or way of acting that people in a particular
society or group have continued to follow for a long time”... can be based on
godless ethos, or the fundamental character or spirit of a culture; the
underlying sentiment that informs the belief, customs or practices of a
people,” that are inspired by spirit alienated from GOD. And, no doubt, these are
the reasons for the anti-GOD and the Bible, in most traditions of the world.
For instance, the scriptural injunctions, “you shall not make any cutting in
your flesh for the dead” ... {Lev. 19:28} is, traditionally, the practise of
most people on earth. And, members of the Christian church should not by any
means be part of this defiling and damaging practice, or get involved in other
harsh traditions which, brand certain members of the society, outcast, or
subject widows to inhuman treatment, in suspicion that they may have had a hand in the death of their
husbands. They should equally not be involved in marrying for the dead, or keep
any day of the week sacred {in Igbo community eke, afo, orie, nkwo} in respect
to gods of the land, as well as, shun any honour of such gods. In summary,
members of the Christian church, by this lesson, should not allow themselves
Bear idol
marks for the dead on their bodies, or any of such things, in the name of
tradition, {Lev. 19:28}
Be deceived
by those who claim that the cited stipulations of the Bible are for the Jews
and not Christians,
as the moral laws of the LORD are for people
of all ages, Christians and non-Christians, {Ex. 20:1-6}.
conclusion, please, be
reminded that Human tradition is a blessing from the LORD GOD of Heaven and
Earth, and should have remained a blessing, if not for the pollution of Satan
and his demonic kingdom that turned it into a deadly curse, since GOD will not bless or partake in anything mingled
with anything from the devil. And, for your information, CHRIST JESUS our LORD
and BLESSED SAVIOUR, is the centre for Godly traditions to everyone who
believes. BEWARE OF IDOL!
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