Sunday, 25 December 2016


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
Call: +2348037346939 E-mail:

Devotional Text: Col. 3:9-11

According to Wikipedia, caste (system) is a form of social stratification (or class structure) characaterised by hereditary transmission of a lifestyle which often includes an occupation, status in a hierarchy and customary social interaction and exclusion. The caste system is widely practiced in various forms in most societies of the world. But, for the purpose of this lesson, the focus will be on caste system among the Igbo of Nigeria, especially; Enugu, Anambra, Imo, Abia, Ebonyi, Edo, and Delta states, where the Osu Caste system has been, and remains a big social problem. The Osu Caste, in the cited areas, is determined by one’s birth into a particular family, irrespective of the religion practiced by the individual. One born into the Osu Caste is automatically branded an outcast, and in view of this, the individual is shunned and ostracized with limited opportunities or acceptance regardless of his ability or merit. This is biblically wrong and should be stopped in keeping with the concept of the brotherhood of all mankind.


(1)       In Christ, there is no tribal discrimination against anybody, thus the Bible says, there is no Greek nor Jew, (Col. 3:11)
(2)       Equally, in Christ, there is no religious discrimination against anyone, thus, it recognises no one as circumcise
 nor uncircumcised, (vs. 11).
(3)       In Christ, also, there is no social discrimination against any individual, thus, it does not see anyone
 as Barbarian nor Scythian, (vs.11)
(4)       Finally, in Christ, no one is regarded as slave, since it says, there is no bond nor free, (vs.11)
In this lesson, it has already been indicated that the teaching will concentrate on caste system in Nigeria, as practiced in the Igbo communities of Enugu, Anambra, Imo, Abia, Ebonyi, Edo and Delta states. However, the drive here is to draw attention to the complete menu of the caste system in the cited areas, since the Osu Caste is about the only one often in focus. But, there are three layers in the caste system of Nigeria, namely; the “Diala”, the “Osu” and the “Ume” classes. In this social order, the Diala Class is believed to be the only “good stuff”, since by this demonic tradition, it offered the Osu Class to the gods of the land, as the Osu Class became responsible for the offering of  the Ume Class to the same or similar gods of the land. Thus, the Osu Class is regarded as outcasts and slaves of the Diala Class, while the Ume Class are seen as those of the Osu Class, and so, the “slaves of slaves”. This demonic social order, the Bible is strictly against, as it impresses that;
(i)                    no religious segregation should exist in the Body of Christ, (Col. 3:9-11)
(ii)                  tribal distinction should equally not have a place in the Christian Church, (vs. 9-11)
(iii)                 no one should be regarded as slave or outcast in the House of God, (vs. 9-11)
The Scripture “let brotherly love continue” (Heb. 13:1) marks out the identity of the Christian Faith. And, in society, the Christian should champion the course of love without discrimination. To this end, God’s Word remarks… “Do well to all men”… as the Lord presents the opportunity, (Gal. 6:10). This shows the nondiscriminatory stance of the Christian Faith, in love and human relations. But, evidences abound that many Christians goof in the cited area of practical Christianity. The caste system is a very serious discriminatory issue in society, which a vast majority of Christians are guilty of. For, even among Christians are “individuals who believe they are of the “Diala Class”, and so, have nothing to do with those of the “Osu” and “Ume” classes, in terms of marriage and other social interactions. This is a deadly blind spot, since the “Diala Class” is also demonic, and does not make one a child of God, but that of the “diala demon”, in whose name the Diala Class is founded. In this connection, therefore, let it be stressed that those of the;
(i)                    “Diala Class” remain children of the “diala demon” (or the devil) and not children of God, unless the repent and receive Jesus as Lord and Saviour, (John 1:11-12)
(ii)                  “Osu” and “Ume” classes who have repented and received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour  are no longer outcasts, (1 Cor. 12:13), but children of God, (John 1: 11-12)
(iii)                 “Diala” “Osu” and “Ume” classes who refuse to repent are children of the “diala demon”, “osu demon” and “ume demon”, respectively, and can never be children of  God unless they repent and embrace Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, (John 1:11-12; 1 Cor. 12:13).
By “Biblical Christianity” the writer means that Christian Faith that is built on the principles of God’s Word, which are never compromised. God’s Word does not portray anyone who is in Christ as “Diala” “Osu” or “Ume”. But, regrettably, the Christian Church of toady harbours a lot of individuals who still believe they are of the “Diala Class” and have nothing to do with those of the “Osu” or “Ume” castes, even if they are Born Again Christians. This was how the Apostle Peter viewed the Gentiles until the Lord rebuked him in a trance, and said… “What God hath cleansed, you should not call common or unclean,”… (Acts 10:9-16). By this, the lesson in focus submits that;
(i)                    Those Christians who believe they are of the “Diala Class”, and so, have no dealings with those of
the “Osu” or “Ume” classes, are really offending God, (vs. 9-16)
(ii)                  No Christian should be discriminated against on the basis of “osu” or “ume” class distinctions, in marriage
 or other social interactions, as such an attitude is against the Word of God, (vs. 9-16)
(iii)             The Christian who believes he is of the “Diala Class”, and so, have no association with those of the “osu” or “ume” classes makes himself a child of the “diala demon” or the devil, and not a child of God, (vs. 9-16)
In conclusion, the caste system, no matter where it is practiced in the world, is of the devil, and should be condemned and dismounted. For, before God, all men are equal, and by way of information, the only thing that makes one an outcast before the Lord God is sin, (Isa. 59:2). PLEASE, REPENT!

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