Sunday, 25 December 2016


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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Devotional Text: 1 Cor. 14:1-3; 1 Thess. 5:19-21
The Scripture, “Do not quench the Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19) and do not despise prophecy (vs. 20) seem to indicate that some cautious believers had questioned the use of spiritual gifts in the Church. But, in 1 Corinthians 14:1, believers are urged to seek the gift of prophecy, the Spirit –guided public utterances of deep truths. This gift may have been abused, but abuse does not stop the use. In the words of John Wycliffe, the predictive element in biblical prophecy should neither be overstressed, nor minimized, as the task of one who prophesies is to tell what God Has told him, including things to come.

                                                                          GENERAL REMARKS

(1)     Prophecy should not be stopped in the Church, (1 Thess. 5:20)
(2)     We are to test everything (including prophecy), and accordingly, hold fast that which is good, (vs. 21)
(3)     The Holy Scripture encourages the believer to seek the gift of prophecy, (1 Cor. 14:1)
(4)     The gift of prophecy is for the strengthening, encouragement and comfort of the people (vs. 3).
Falsehood, according to the Merrian Webster Dictionary is “the absence of truth or accuracy”, or “the practice of lying”, and this is not acceptable in prophecy, since it is believed to emanate from God, who does not lie or falls short of accuracy. To this end, the person with the gift of prophecy should always ensure the reliability of the source of his prophetic utterances, as prophecy could either come from the mind, Satan or God. But, for the purpose of this lesson, falsehood in prophecy is when one who prophesies deliberately gives what is cooked up in the heart to deceive the people, and this, has become a common experience in today’s world. The prophecy that comes from God does not lie, but always fulfils hundred percent, and comes with no iota of confusion. This shows that there are still people who claim they are prophetic, but:
(i)                   Prophesy not the right things, but prophesy deceit, (Isa. 30:10) and falsely (Jer. 5:31)
(ii)                 Prophesy lies in the Name of the Lord (Jer. 14:14), saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed, (Jer. 23: 25-26)
(iii)                God is against those who prophesy false dreams, which do not profit the people, (Jer. 23:32)
                        Principally, the gift of prophecy is for the strengthening, encouragement and comfort of the people (1 Cor. 14: 3), and not for the Leadership of the people, though, it could be used by God, at times, to give some measure of direction, (Acts 13: 2).  But, on no account should prophecy be depended upon for leadership, both for the individual believer or in the Church, as the Holy Spirit, Himself, is the Leader of God’s people (Rom. 8:14), and the church, (Acts 16:6). Therefore, the purpose of prophecy in the Church is to strengthen the faith of those who may have been weakened by circumstances that try to lure them out of the promises of God, and to encourage or reassure them of the faithfulness of the Lord, as well as bring Divine Comfort that refreshes the heart, pertaining the things they long to get from God. In this connection, this lesson asserts that:
(i)             The Holy Spirit gives direct leadership to God’s people (Rom. 8:14) and the church
 (Acts 16:6) and not by prophecy, (1 Cor. 14:3)
(ii)           God, at times, directs certain works of the ministry to be done, by prophecy (Acts 13:2)
 does not mean He leads the Church by prophecy (see Acts 10:19-20).
(iii)          Prophecy should be allowed to flourish in the Church (1 Thess. 5:19-20), but on no account,
 should it be a premeditated device to deceive the people (Jer. 23:26), which is false vision and
 divination from evil spirits, and not prophecy, (Jer. 14:14).
Those who make prophecy their business commodity should get it straight, that God will surely bring them to the brink of judgment, (2 Peter 2:1). And, by way of information, any prophecy aimed at deceiving and making merchandise of the people is worse than armed robbery, and accordingly, must not go unpunished, as the Holy Scripture already says, “woe unto them! (who give false prophecy) for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Korah”, (Jude 1:11). So, “beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves”, (Matt. 7:15), and also observe that:
(i)       Those who prophesy falsely in the Name of the Lord, do so to drive the people
 out of the way, that they may perish with them, (Jer. 27:15)
(ii)     Their end is destruction, and their god is the belly, and whose glory is in their shame,
who only think of earthly things, (Phil. 3:18-19)
(iii)     They will finally be pushed outside the gate of Heaven, with all others who practice falsehood, (Rev. 22:15)
In conclusion, please re-establish that the gift of prophecy is of God, and should be allowed to operate in the Church, (1 Thess. 5:19-20). But, we should also be aware that there are those who prophesy falsely (Jer. 5:31) and in deceit (Isa. 30:10), whose end is destruction, (Phil. 3:18-19). Equally, we shall take cognizance of the biblical truth that prophecy is basically for the strengthening, encouragement and comfort of the people (1 Co. 14:3) and not for leadership, as the leadership of the Church and God’s people is the Duty of the Holy Spirit, (Rom. 8:14;Acts 13:6). PLEASE, GIVE PROPHECY THE RIGHT APPROACH!

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