Sunday, 25 December 2016


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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IMG_20160426_142331.jpgTHE BIBLE AND DRESS CODE (PART 1)
Transvestism as an Abomination before God

Devotional Text: Deu.22:5
Transvestism simply means “dressing in the clothing of the opposite sex”, and this, the Bible says is detestable to God, (Deut. 22:5). The Scripture clearly shows that the primary aim for clothing is to cover one’s nakedness (Gen. 3:7), and not the unnecessary drawing of attention to oneself, which every transvestite seeks to achieve. Also, before now, transvestism was a ploy to deceive. For instance, Adam Clarks in his Bible Commentary remarks that Clodius, who dressed himself like a woman that he might mingle with the Roman ladies in the feast of the Bona Dea, was universally execrated. This, therefore, readily suggests one reason why transvestism is an abomination before God.

(1)       Transvestism is a mark of rebellion against God’s Word, (Deut. 22:5)
(2)       Transvestism is a manifestation of one’s sinful nature, (vs. 5)
(3)       Transvestism is an ungodly way of dressing, (vs. 5)
(4)       Transvestism makes one an abomination before God (vs. 5)
                        Those who engage in transvestism are in open rebellion against the Lord. This is because, the Law of Moses banning tranvestism (Deut. 22:5) is both moral and universal law, since it is from the God of the whole universe. And, for the people who hold that the Law was only for the Old Testament believers, let it be stressed here that every moral law in the Scripture extends to people of all generations and dispensations. So, those who disobey the Law of Moses, banning transvestism (vs. 5) are like saying to God, we;
(i)                    know your law banning transvestism, (Deut. 22:5)
(ii)                  equally know that transvestism is an abomination before you, (vs. 5)
(iii)                 will not change, but will always show our rebellion openly, (vs. 5)
But, these individuals should better know that nothing abominable will enter the Kingdom of God, (Rev. 21:8).
transvestism in the modern world is  often seen as a mark of civilization. But, the biblical truth remains that transvestion is a manifestation of the sinful and rebellious nature of man against God, (Deut. 22:5). The modern world, also gives other reasons to justify transvestism. Some say their profession demands it. Others say certain climatic problems may justify it. But, all these are smacks of hypocrisy, since humanity is capable of making different attires that are suitable for both sexes in every climate and profession. In the light of the above, let it be sounded that God’s Word to the primitive age is the same to the modern age, and so, no excuses for rebellion. Therefore, to the modern world, the Holy Scripture also says;
(i)              transvestism remains an abomination before God, (Deut. 22:5)
(ii)            man’s sinful nature craves for worldly desires, which transvestism is definitely one, (Eph. 2:1-3)
(iii)           that repentance is necessary for total cleansing, (Acts 3:19)
Furthermore, the modern world should equally know that transvestism (Deut. 22:5) is one of the abominations that send people to hell, (Rev. 21:8)
According to the Bible, the Christian church is the congregation of those called to be saints (Rom. 1:7), and saints are holy people (1 Cor. 1:2), who should maintain the purity of heart and mind (Matt. 5:8), as well as totally be separated from the world, (1 John 2:15-17). If the foregoing is anything to go by, why resemble the world if one is a Christian? Why dress in the pattern of the world if one believes that one is a child of God? If transvestism (Deut. 22:5) according to the Holy Scripture is an abomination before God, why should one who calls oneself a child of God crave for it? To those who claim that the ban on transvestism (vs. 5) remains an Old Testament issue, has God changed (Mal. 3:5) in character or essence? Did He ban immorality in the Old Testament and legalize it in the New? Let no one deceive you, transvestism remains a moral problem and simply a mark of the sinful or depraved nature in the unredeemed man and not an identity of civilization or Christian way of dressing. To this end, therefore, the Christian should not allow anyone, in whatever guise, to lure him into transvestism, which is;
(i)                    an abomination before God (Deut. 22:5)
(ii)                  an identity of the pride of this world, (1 John 2:15-17), and
(iii)                 one of the cravings of the sinful nature, (Eph. 2:3)
In conclusion, please note that transvestism is a moral problem which manifests itself in cross-dressing, and remains an open rebellion against God. And so, anyone, church or society that condones it, is in the verge of Divine Judgment. BE WARNED!

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