Sunday, 25 December 2016


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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Devotional Text: Deut. 19:14; 27:17
“Remove not the ancient landmark” (Prov. 22:28) is a vivid biblical instruction for boundary rules. Adam Clarke amplifies this, as he says, “Do not take the advantage, in ploughing or breaking up a field contiguous to that of your neighbour, to set the dividing stones father into his field, that you may enlarge your own. Take not what is not your own in any case. Let all ancient divisions, and the usages connected with them, be held sacred”. And, according to the book of Deuteronomy 27:17, “cursed be he that removes his neighbours landmark, and all the people shall say, Amen!

(1)     The Scripture enjoins that we should not remove the old landmark as a way
 of encroaching into the field of the fatherless, (Prov.23:10)
(2)     The Scripture, also tells us not to remove our neighbour’s landmark, which
 they of old time have put in place, (Deut. 19:14)
(3)     The book of Job shows that some wicked people remove landmarks, and violently
take what does not belong to them, (Job 24:2-4)
(4)     The Scripture equally evokes curse on anyone who removes landmark to his own advantage, (Deut. 27:17).
Before the extensive use of fences, landed property was marked out by stones or posts, set up to ascertain the divisions of family estates. For, it was easy to remove one of these landmarks, and set it in a different place; and thus the dishonest person enlarged his own estate by contracting that of his neighbour. In view of this, the Law of Moses came into effect, to checkmate the encroachment of the dishonest persons into estates which are not theirs, and to ensure that every boundary adjustment is officially and legitimately done, considering population growth. Based on the foregoing, this lesson asserts that the ban on the removal of landmarks came into effect to:
(i)                   Check the encroachment of dishonest persons into the estates of their neighbours, (Lev. 19:14)
(ii)                 Ensure the legitimate and official transfer of the ownership of landed property, when the need arises, (vs. 14)
(iii)                Bring to justice those who may violently take estates which are not theirs, (Job 24:2-4).
God is the Father of the fatherless, and anything done to hurt them, is a serious offence against Him, (Psalm 68:5). Therefore, to encroach into the field of the fatherless attracts the heaviest curses from the Lord. Thus, the Holy Scripture says, “remove not the old landmarks; and enter not into the fields of the fatherless, (Prov. 23:10). But, today, there are lots of violations of the rights of the fatherless, which the Christian Church and society are not addressing, especially, with regards to landed property. It is on record that most estates of the persons whose fathers died early in life are denied them by certain wicked individuals in society, with piles of litigations instituted to frustrate them perpetually. Also, certain legal practitioners whose duty it is, to see that justice come the way of the fatherless, toe the fraudulent path in favour of those who greedily dispossess them. To this end, this lesson equally opines that:
(i)             Those who remove landmarks in an attempt to dispossess the fatherless of their landed
 property or estates are acting against the Word of God, (vs. 10)
(ii)           Any legal practitioner who plays down on the rights of the fatherless in this direction
 is also guilty of the same offence, (vs. 10)
(iii)          God who is the father of the fatherless will surely plead their case, and will definitely punish those
 who rebel against His Word that protects the rights of the fatherless, (Psalm 68:5-6)
No controversy, any violation of the Word of God definitely attracts Divine Judgment, and the violation of the law banning dishonest removal of landmarks is no exception. At the interim, those who remove the landmarks of the fields of their neighbours, whether fatherless or not, are faced with deadly problems, as evoked in the Law of Moses, which declares, “Cursed is the man who removes his neighbour’s landmark” and the people shall say, Amen! (Deut. 27:17). This explains why meaningful progresses are never attained in any generation by those who are guilty of the offence. Also, at the end of time, those elements found guilty of removing landmarks and encroaching into their neighbour’s estates will be turned into hell, with their counterparts in other fields of criminality, (Psalm 9:17). This, therefore, serves as a clarion call, that:
(i)       Those who are yet in violation of the Boundary Rules of the Lord, as enshrined
 in the Law of Moses, should repent, (Deut. 19:14)
(ii)     God will pardon them if they repent and turn away from such wickedness, (Isa. 55:7)
(iii)    If they fail to repent, they will be among the wicked that would be everlastingly turn into hell, (Psalm 9:17)
In conclusion, this lesson is a recipe put in place to caution those in dishonest boundary adjustments, as well as a pointer to the biblical truth that legitimate boundary adjustment is not a sin before God, as it finally shows that eternal judgment awaits those who would not repent of dishonest and wicked boundary adjustments. PLEASE, SHARE THE MESSAGE!

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