Sunday, 25 December 2016


NCE (English); Dip (Computer Studies); ND/HD (Journalism); Dip, BA (Theology) MA, PhD.
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Devotional Text: Lev. 19:28

The first part of the main Scripture text of this lesson points to the ban on cutting marks on one’s body for the dead, (vs. 28A), whereas  the second part places inhibition on tattoo marks (vs. 28B).  According to Matthew Henry, the rites and ceremonies of cutting one’s flesh for the dead, by which the heathens expressed their sorrow at funerals must not be practiced or imitated, in line with the Law of Moses. They must not make cuts or points in their flesh for the dead, for the heathen do so to pacify the infernal deities they dream of, and by so doing, render their propitious to their dead friends. John Wycliffe also notes that the prohibition of any voluntary disfigurement of the person was in place, since both cutting and tattooing of the body were practices by the heathen.
(1)     Cutting of marks on one’s body for the dead is idol worship that must be avoided, (Levi. 19:28)
(2)     Tattoo marks show the identity of the devil and not Christ, (vs. 28)
(3)     The cutting of marks on one’s body for the dead is  heathenish way to grieve for the dead (vs. 28)
(4)     Tattoo marks are demonically inspired marks to show who belong to them, (vs. 28)
In the words of Adam Clarke, “it was a very ancient and general custom to carry tattoo marks on the body in honour of the objects of their worship”. In this connection, Clarkes, as well notes that there were several cases where persons have tattoos of the figures of the cross, the Virgin Mary  and more, made on their arms, breasts and other parts of the body, in which the skin was being first punctured, and then a blue colouring matter rubbed in, which is never afterward effaced. All these were done for superstitious purposes and to such things probably the prohibition in the verse as cited. The above citation definitely shows that tattoo marks are the symbols or identities of the strange gods or idols which people worship or identify with. Thus, the Holy Scripture says:
(i)                   You shall not print any marks on your body for the dead, (Lev. 19:28)
(ii)                 You should not make a graven image, in the similitude of any figure of a god to you,
let alone making tattoo of them, (Deut. 4:15-20)
(iii)                Any image in the similitude of any figure including that of  Virgin Mary, Jesus, the cross, or any other saint or religious leader are not to be reverend or worshiped or their tattoo ,marks carried on the body, (vs. 15-20).
Adam Clarke further notes that, “all the castes of the Hindus bear on their forehead or elsewhere what are called the sectarian marks, which distinguish them, not only in a civil, but, from each other”. The foregoing cites another evil of tattoo marks, as it shows that the marks are used sometimes to identify those marked as slaves in certain caste systems of the world. But, in Christ, all mankind are His creatures, all conditions are deposed and regulated by His providence, and all human beings are equally purchased by His Blood. Thus, in Christ Jesus, there is no caste distinction to warrant tattoo marks, (Col. 3:10-11). By this, therefore, please note that;
(i)                   One of the reasons for banning tattoo marks in the Law of Moses is that the heathens
 sometimes used the marks to discriminate against those they refer to as outcasts,(Lev. 19:28)
(ii)                 The Lord hates printing tattoo marks on the bodies of  individuals
as a way of  showing they are outcasts, (vs. 28)
(iii)                Now, by the redemptive work of Christ Jesus, one who believes in Him
 is not an outcast or slave, (Col. 3:10-11)
Now, that it has become obvious that tattoo marks are heathenish, as well as the identity that distinguish members of certain caste system and strange gods, it therefore, becomes expedient for the Christian faithful to look forward to marks of identity of his faith. To this end, the Apostle Paul says… henceforth, let no man trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus”, (Gal.6:17). Here, the Apostle probably speaks of the many scars of the wounds he had received in the work of the ministry of the Lord and other dehumanizing problems that come as a result of his faith, which had remained indelible, in both his physical and psychological life as tattoo marks, and not just any sectarian marks. In this connection, the truth remains that;
(i)             The Marks of Christ in the life of a Christian are not sectarian tattoo marks, but the physical and psychological marks which come as a result of temptations and trials of one’s faith, (Gal.6:17)
(ii)           The Christian should endeavour to endure till the end, so as to be saved, (Matt. 10:22)
(iii)          …if he draws back, the Lord will not have pleasure in him, (Heb. 10:38)
In conclusion, let it be sounded loud and clear that tattoo marks are evil marks initiated by the kingdom of darkness to strike identity for the various demons in their networks, and accordingly, the Word of God say no to such marks, as well as the cutting of the body for the dead, as a way of mourning. This, therefore, should be rejected and denounced by every Christian who truly desires to be with the Lord in His kingdom, hereafter. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE NOTHING WITH THE DEVIL!

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